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This involves teachers bringing along students into the assessment process so that they come to understand learning targets and in turn track their own performance.
What is formative assessment?
This rubric's purpose is to assist in identifying ESL students' strengths and abilities and can be used as students engage in classroom tasks such as discussions and presentations.
What is an Oral Language Assessment Rubric?
This is an activity focusing on the meaning and features of words. Students are asked to categorize words into groups based on common characteristics.
What is a Word Sort?
This type of comprehension requires a reader to operate on the surface level of text.
What is literal comprehension?
A written one of these can contain items such as: When reading about sports I feel: Very Happy, Happy, Neither, Unhappy, Very Unhappy.
What are Interest Surveys?
This is administered at the end of some unit of instruction and it is used to obtain a measurement of achievement.
What is a summative assessment?
This assessment often contains questions about previous schooling, previous language(s) learned, reading habits and abilities in the student's first language.
What is a Primary Language Literacy Questionnaire?
This is a test in which words are systematically deleted and students supply the deletions.
What is the Cloze Test?
This type of comprehension means that a reader deals with and understands the writers ideas.
What is inferential comprehension?
This type of reading refers to understanding the specialized type of content found in subjects such as Social Studies or Science that ELL students may struggle with.
What is Content Reading?
Substitution, Repetition, and Omission are all examples of these when marking a ELL student's writing.
What are miscues?
This assessment tests students' decoding ability by having them read aloud a list of first and last names.
What is a Names Test?
Levels of Cloze Test scoring criteria include, Independent level, Instructional level, and this.
What is Frustration level?
This refers to a reader's ability to evaluate and make critical judgements about what is read.
What is Critical/Evaluative Comprehension?
These are visual displays used to organize information in a manner that makes the information easier to understand and learn.
What are Graphic Organizers?
A collection of comments about student performance in which the teacher reports on only what they see in a specific event and then proceeds to interpret it.
What are Anecdotal Records (Teacher Observation)?
This assessment is thought to be useful initial literacy assessment tool because letter naming as been correlated with reading achievement.
What is a Letter Recognition Test?
Developed as an alternative to the cloze procedure, this procedure is similar but focuses on having students identify incorrect words instead of omitted words.
What is Maze Procedure?
Often shortened to IRI, this consists of graded word lists and graded passages.
What is an Informal Reading Inventory?
This is a technique in which students verbalize their thoughts as they read to reveal the strategies they are using to understand a text.
What is Think-Aloud?
Because of research displaying L1 writing skills can be correlated with ability to learn literacy skills in an L2, Jim Cummins might recommend teachers get ESL students to this.
What is Write in the First Language?
A student's awareness of the sounds of English and their correspondence to the letters in the English alphabet.
What is Phonological Awareness?
Instead of deleting every fifth word this Cloze variation has the ending of every second word deleted starting with the first vowel.
What is the C-Test?
The San Diego Quick Assessment is an example of one of these.
What is a Graded Word List?
Style of Expression and Content are two of the four categories of this, according to Gray and Leary.
What is Readability?