Section 4.1
Section 4.2
Section 4.3
Section 4.4

Guarantees of equal treatment by government authorities

What are Civil Rights?


As limitations on government power, intended to protect freedoms upon which governments may not legally intrude?

What are civil Liberties?


The Amendments that contain all 3 types of rights and protections

What is the 5th and 6th Amendment?


This amendment safeguards people from arbitrary searches and seizures, essential to their right to privacy.

What is the Fourth Amendment?


Amendment that states: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

What is the Ninth Amendment?


A legal document, signed by a judge, allowing police to search and/or seize persons or property.

What is a Search Warrant?


The first amendment guarantees five basic freedoms. Name one of them.

What is freedom of speech? What is freedom of religion? What is freedom of press? Freedom of assembly? Freedom to petition the government?


The reason the government is unable to endorse a state sponsored religion.

What is the establishment clause?


A fundamental right to privacy regarding one's own decisions and reproductive rights was established by this historic Supreme Court judgment.

What is Roe v. Wade?


Amendment that states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

What is the Tenth Amendment?


A law originally created to uphold a religious or moral standard, such as a prohibition against selling alcohol on Sundays.

What is a Blue Law?


This process ensures that only certain rights in the Bill of Rights are applied to the states on a case-by-case basis."

What is selective incorporation?


The ruling that a person must oppose all wars to be ineligible to serve.

What is Gillette vs. United states?


Even in cases where such speech is divisive or unpopular, people are guaranteed the freedom to voice their opinions without interference from the government thanks to the First Amendment.

What is freedom of speech?


Term for the information about the messages we send and the calls we make and receive, such as time, location, sender, and recipient–but excluding their content.

What is metadata?


A means of deciding whether a law that makes it harder for women to seek abortions is constitutional.

What is an Undue Burden Test?


This clause in the Fourteenth Amendment has been crucial in extending civil liberties protections to actions by state governments.

What is Due process clause?


Needed for an officer to enter and search your property

What is a warrant or probable cause?


This case dealt with the Fourth Amendment's protection of individual privacy and the legitimacy of government monitoring.

What is Katz v. United States?


_________ has now made it much easier to track and monitor people. (hint: general term for that which includes cameras, GPS, smartphones, Bluetooth, drones)

What is technology?


A requirement, from Supreme Court case Mapp v. Ohio, that evidence obtained as a result of an illegal search or seizure cannot be used to try someone for a crime

What is Exclusionary Rule?


Are guarantees that government officials will treat people equally and that decisions will be made on the basis of merit rather than race, gender, or other personal characteristics.

What are civil rights?


Limits the ability of the government to restrict religious freedom.

What is the Free Exercise Clause?


This constitutional amendment guarantees that individuals accused of crimes have the right to a fair trial, including an impartial jury and legal representation.

What is the Sixth Amendment?


The meaning for the abbreviation: GPS (this use of this technology has raised major issues concerning privacy)

What is Global Positioning System?