Almost Quotes
Declaration of Independence
Vive la révolution!
Get and Give

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."

Who is Thomas Paine


1st signer of the DOI; President of the Continental Congress

Who is John Hancock


Cornwallis surrounded and the British forced to surrender

What is the Battle of Yorktown


Commander and Chief of Continental Army

Who is George Washington

Independence? So foolish! Mother England has provided us with all we need! 

Who are the Loyalists


This European thinker inspired Jefferson and the writers of the DOI

Who is John Locke


This battle took place BEFORE the signing of the DOI

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord

American thinker, sent to Paris to convince France to help the war effort

Who is Ben Franklin


*in French accent*

"Independence for the Americans means independence for the world! My countrymen and I must join the fight!"

Who is Marquis de Lafayette


The main purpose of government, according to Jefferson

What is to protect citizens' natural rights 

Land won by Americans through negotiations in 1783

What is the Ohio River River Valley

Young, wealthy French officer who volunteered to serve in the Continental Army for no pay. "Adopted" by George Washington

Who is Marquis de Lafayette

(Actually he was named Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette!)


*in German accent*

"General Washington, our troops march out rank, they relieve themselves wherever they choose, we must turn these men into a disciplined fighting force!"

Who is Baron Friedrich von Steuben


Controversial line in the DOI that was almost removed

What is "All men are created equal"


Turning point battle that convinced the French to join the war and help the Americans

What is the Battle of Saratoga


Hero of Saratoga, but later turned traitor against the Americans

Who is Benedict Arnold

"My countrymen have a worthy cause, but there's more money and glory to be made by fighting with the British"

Who is Benedict Arnold


The colonists had 27 of these in the DOI directed at King George III

What is "grievances" 

Battle near East TN that convinced British to stop fighting in the South
What is the Battle of Kings Mountain

Prussian officer who helped volunteered to train the Continental Army

Who is Baron von Steuben