History of Health Insurance
Health Care Reform
The Insurance Policy
Insurance Policies
Choice of Health Insurance

What is health insurance?

a contract between a policyholder and a third-party payer or government program


What was the Affordable Care Act created to do? 

The ACA lowers costs, guarantees choice, and enhances health care

The ACA was in effect from 2010-2020

The goal was for everyone to have healthcare


What is major medical?

designed to offset larger medical expenses caused by prolonged illness or serious injury


What is a deductible?

a specific amount of money that must be paid each year before the policy benefits begins


What is a medical savings account?

tax-free savings account that allows individuals and their employers to set aside money to pay for health care expenses

Which insurance was the first one introduced?

Blue cross/blue shield


What was a downfall of the ACA?

Americans were required to have insurance or face a penalty each year

If insurance wasn't held, the person had to pay a fine


The insured is known as the

subscriber, member, policyholder, or recipient


What is cost sharing?

the insured will assume a percentage of the fee called coinsurance or pay a specific dollar amount called a copay


What is a health savings account?

 tool for defraying medical costs. Anyone under the age of 65 who enrolls in a high deductible plan


What is a premium?

amount you pay for the insurance plan


What is Exchanges?

Exchanges is an organized marketplace where uninsured individuals and small-business owners can find all the qualified private health plans available in their area. 

Exchanges were created to lower health care cost 


Children can stay on their parents insurance policy until they turn



What is the birthday rule?

the health plan of the parent whose birthday comes first in the calendar yar is designated as the primary plan


What is a health reimbursement account?

usually offered with high deductible plans. The employer owns the account and only they can make contributions. They can decide the contribution and define covered expenses. If the employee leaves, the money stays with the employer


Name the insurance plans that are government funded. 

Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare


What is a contract?

 legal and binding written document that exists between two or more parties


What must be paid before a policy will go into effect?



What is mandated benefits?

state and/or federal laws that require coverage for treatment of specific health conditions for some categories of dependents, such as children placed for adoption


What is a Health Maintenance Organization?

Provides a wide range of comprehensive health care services

Fixed periodic payment

Emphasis is on preventative care


What did original insurance cover?

Original insurance only paid for lost wages when an individual was sick or received an injury 


What is a guarantor? 

person who accepts treatment or signs a form agreeing to pay


What is a noncancelable policy?

 the insurer cannot increase premium rates and must renew the policy until the insured reaches the age specified in the contract.


What is a preexisting condition?

conditions that existed and were treated before the policy was issued


What is a preferred provider organization?

Form of contract medicine by which a large employer, or any organization that can produce a large number of patients, contracts with a hospital or a group of health care organizations to offer medical care at a reduced rate.