This critical reading skill requires the reader to engage actively with the text.
What is close reading.
This word defines the repetition on words, thoughts or sentences in a text.
What is Patterns.
This is how a close reader should execute the traditional method of close reading.
What is on printed paper note taking with a pencil.
This is known as the qualities and activities of the camera when recording shots.
What is cinematography.
This is the connected structure of writing or composition.
This is known as the process of quickly looking over a text to determine its relevance.
What is skimming or scanning.
This portion of the text is either directly mentioned by the author or must be determined through details and supporting evidence.
What is the main idea.
To recognize different language patterns in text, it is suggested that a close reader should do this to the different patterns.
What is to use different color highlighters.
This is one of the four key concepts of close reading in film. (Name any 1)
What is mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, or sound.
This mode of analysis is known as the careful and detailed analysis of a text, focusing on its language, structure, and meaning.
What is close reading.
These are the two types of texts that don't require close reading.
What is entertainment and basic information.
Forbes Senior Writer Tyler Webb describes one reading strategy as the "5 W's." These "5 W's are...
What is who, what, where, when, and why.
Annotating a text is an important skill for this reason
What is remembering the content and its argument.
This film strategy is what is shown in front of the camera.
What is mise-en-scene.
Finish this paradox: A jack of all trades is a master of none, but....
What is oftentimes better than a master of one.
Readers must develop close reading this way, as others will not always be able to interpret texts for them.
What is independently
This is the first thing you should do before fully reading a text.
What is to make inferences from the title and opening paragraph.
This is how annotations help with analysis.
What is identifying patterns of languages, themes, and connections.
This is the most important building block of editing.
What is a cut.
The customer is always right in a matter of ____.
What is taste.
This prestigious university defines close reading as a deep analysis of how a literary text works.
What is the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This is known as the strategy of making connections between your presented text and a previous one.
What is Intertextuality.
This is the main purpose of annotating a text.
What is to facilitate deeper analysis of the content, improve comprehension, and actively engage with its material.
This is the idea of diegetic versus. non-diegetic
What is diegetic sounds come from within the world of the movie, and non-diegetic are noises from the background.
Taken out of context, the question "What is the volume?" could ask 1) loudness and 2......
What is quantity.