Scientific Notation
Standard Form
Negative Exponents
Powers Properties Multiplication
Powers Properties Division
# 2: The number 81,200 written in scientific notation.
What is 8.12 x 10 to the fourth power?
# 7: This number in standard form..... 1.04 x 10 to the third power.
What is 1,040?
# 1: This expression written using only positive exponents... 7 to the - 1st power.
What is 1/7?
# 1: The product of this problem... 8 to the third power times 8 to the 11th power.
What is 8 to the 14th power?
# 9: The answer when you find the quotient of 7 to the 18th power divided by 7 to the 5th power.
What is 7 to the 13th power?
# 1: The number 0.0000523 written in scientific notation.
What is 5.23 x 10 to the - 5 power.
# 8: This number written in standard form.... 1.24 x 10 to the 6th power.
What is 1,240,000?
# 3: This expression written using only positive exponents.... 6x to the zero power times y to the - 2 power.
What is 6/y to the 2nd power?
# 4: The product of this problem.... 3 to the 2nd power times 3 to the 18th power times 3 to the 5th power.
What is 3 to the 25th power?
# 11: The answer when you find the quotient of x to the 16th power divided by x to the 9th power.
What is x to the 7th power?
# 4: The number 0.0001289 written in scientific notation.
What is 1.289 x 10 to the - 4th power?
# 5: This number written in standard form.... 5.7 x 10 to the - 7th power.
What is 0.00000057?
# 4: The answer when this expression is written with only positive exponents.....s to the - 11th power times t to the - 1st power.
What is 1/s to the 11th power times t?
# 6: The product of this expression.... c to the 9th power times c to the third power.
What is c to the 12th power?
# 11: The answer when you find the quotient of k to the - 12th power divided by k to the 19th power.
What is k to the - 31st power?
# 9: The order of these numbers from least to greatest.... 1.03 x 10 to the 9th; 2.8 x 10 to the 7th; 1,035,000,000.
What is 2.8, 1.03 and 1,035,000,000?
# 6: This number written in standard form.... 3.524 x 10 to the - 5th power.
What is 0.00003524?
# 5: This expression rewritten without using a fraction bar... 1/64
What is 2 to the -6th power?
# 7: The product of this problem.... 4y times 3y to the 9th power times 4y to the 5th power.
What is 48y to the 15th power?
# 12: The quotient when you solve 12k to the 10th power divided by 80k to the 7th power.
What is 3/20 k to the third?
# 11: The product of these numbers written in scientific notation. (1.2 x 10 to the 5th)(8.2 x 10 to the 4th)
What is 9.84 x 10 to the 9th power?
# 7: his expression rewritten without using a fraction bar... g to the 5th power/ h to the 2nd power.
What is g to the 5th power times h to the -2 power?
# 9: The product of this problem... 4 to the - 9th power times 4 to the 17th power.
What is 4 to the 8th power?
# 15: The answer when you solve 15x to the 5th power times x to the 8th power divided by 90x to the 12th power.
What is x/6?