Socioeconomic Status
Children in this category lack medical and dental care and live on inadequate diets in substandard housing.
What is LOW socioeconomic status
This describes beliefs about appropriate characteristics and behaviors of the two sexes.
What is gender-role identity
A variation of standard English that is associated with a particular region or social group and is unique in vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation.
What is a dialect
A person's ancestry and the way individuals identify with the nations from which they or their ancestors came.
What is ethnicity
Consistently predicts intelligence and achievement in test scores, grades, truancy, and dropout and suspension rates.
What is socioeconomic status
True or false? It's important to avoid reinforcing gender stereotypes.
What is TRUE The school setting has a strong influence on gender-role identity. Messages that schools send boys and girls in the curriculum influence how they perceive themselves.
The ability to switch back and forth between a dialect and standard English.
What is bidialecticism
A cultural class that occurs when a child's home culture and the culture of the school create conflicting expectations for a student's behavior.
What is cultural mismatch
Parents in this category have high expectations for their children and encourage them to graduate from high school and attend college.
What is HIGH socioeconomic status
Boys and girls should be treated as equally as possible in learning activities, expectations should be the same for both genders, gender issues should be openly discussed, and non-stereotypical role models should be invited to class ARE ALL STRATEGIES TO HELP ELIMINATE _____________ in classrooms.
What is gender bias
ELL is an abbreviation for
What is English Language Learner
Cultures with beliefs, values, and behaviors that reject the values of the mainstream culture.
What is resistance cultures
Children with this characteristic have well-developed self-systems, including high self esteem, optimism, and feeling that they are in controll of their destiny. They set personal goals, expect to suceed, and believe they are responsible for their success.
What is resilience Four school practices that promote resilience include high and uncompromising academic standards, strong personal bonds between teachers and students, high structure, and participation in after-school activities.
True or false? Learning is not influenced when boys and girls adopt gender-stereotyped beliefs.
What is FALSE If boys and girls adopt gender-stereotyped beliefs it CAN influence their learning.
How many ELD support programs are there for English Learners?
What is 5 Immersion, maintenance, transitional, ESL Pullout Programs, and sheltered English. See table 4.1 on page 82 for descriptions.
The anxiety experienced by members of a group resulting from concern that their behavior might confirm a stereotype.
What is Stereotype threat
These learners are typically in danger of failing to complete their education with the skills necessary to succeed in today's society.
What are STUDENTS PLACED AT RISK. Characteristics include: Poverty and low SES, member of a cultural minority, and non-native English speaker.
This gender usually outnumbers the other in remedial English and math classes, are held back in grade more often, and are more than twice as likely to be classified as special-needs students.
What are boys
ELL programs take an immersion approach to teaching English more rapidly and efficiently. Some critics argue that immersion dismisses the first language, resulting in a loss of __________________, which is the ability to speak, read, and write in two languages.
What is bilingualism
The belief that students' culture of ethnicity should not be a consideration in teaching.
What is colorblindness