a person or political movement that argues for ending slavery
Which country was the first to bring slaves to America.
Spain or Spanish
Slavery was more dominant where?
The South
They drew an imaginary line in Missouri. The states above Missouri would be anti-slave states and below the line would be slave states. What was the name of this compromise?
The Missouri Compromise
The Indians were living in what state?
a crop that is grown for a profit rather than for use by the grower
Cash Crop
Where did they kidnap the slaves from?
Name me a cash crop they had in the south. We discussed two.
The Compromise of 1850 said that California could be a free state and the Fugitive Law Act would be stricter. Who was the Fugite Law Act against?
escaped slaves
The Delaware signed a treaty giving the government what?
Their land
a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid capture, arrest or persecution
How did the transport them to America?
ship or boat
What was the name of the large farms in the south that needed so many slaves.
What act repealed the Missouri Compromise? It also wanted to allow popular sovereignty for deciding about slavery.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Their new land was in what state?
a violent or open resistance to an established government, ruler or system
Where did the slave owners get their slaves from?
What did the North do instead of farm.
Why did Lincoln come out of retirement and go back into politics?
He didn't like the Kansas-Nebraska act.
What 2 groups moved to Kansas so they could vote?
a political concept that gives authority over a state or territory to the people who live there, especially concerning slavery
Popular Sovereignty
Many slaves risked their lives to runaway to where?
The North
Named the talented speaker and former slave the abolitionist used to denounce slavery. He even wrote his autobiography.
Frederick Douglass
Lincoln did a speaking tour in what state?
Many historians believe that events that happened in the Kansas Territory started what?
The Civil War