What's Sparta?

southern Greek city-state located on the Peloponnesus; once was a land of poets & artists; it got changed it to an armed camp in 800 B.C.


What's a citizen?

a free member of a political community who receives benefits from their society; has rights, duties and responsibilities


What's a city-state?

a city and its surrounding territory that is an independent country


What's a phalanx?

battle formation where rows of soldiers marched forward together, shoulder-to-shoulder, creating a protective wall with few openings


What's Athens?

largest city-state in Greece located northeast of Sparta on the mainland; named after a goddess


What was life like for Athenian girls?

stayed at home and were taught household duties by moms; they didn't have a lot of freedom, though


What was life like for Spartan boys?

  • were left for dead as newborns if they were born with defects/deformities
  • left home at age 7 to train for the army
  • lived in barracks (army training facility) until they were 30, then could marry
  • were treated harshly, endured hardships to become tough and strengthen their minds and bodies
  • had one coat for whole year at age 12, made their own beds with reeds, hunted to supply part of their daily food
  • stayed in army until age 50

What's democracy?

govt. in which all citizens share in running the govt.; every citizen has the right to for laws


What was life like for Athenian boys?

Boys: learned reading, writing, math, sports, music; became citizens at age 18


What was life like for Spartan girls?

  • trained in running, wrestling, throwing javelin; kept fit to be healthy mothers
  • could own property and go where they wanted (they had some of the most freedom for women in the ancient days)
  • stayed at home while husbands were in barracks
  • married at approximately age 14

What's the Dark Age (don't say a time that was dark)?

350 difficult years for the Greeks because of poverty, lost teaching, and forgetting how to read and write


Who's Cleisthenes?

credited with making Athens’ government a democracy; he gave more power and opportunities to the non-rich


What's an oligarchy?

government in which a small group of people holds the power


What's draconian?

cruel or harsh (named after Draco: Athenian leader who wrote 1st written laws in Athens with severe punishments)


What's a polis?

the Greek term for a city-state; a tiny Greek independent country made on a large hill (fortified area)


What's an acropolis?

top of the polis, religious center with temples and altars to honor gods, safe refuge in case of attack


Who were excluded from citizenship in ancient Greece?

slaves, foreigners, women, and children were originally excluded


What's the Peloponnesus?

southern Greece connected to the mainland by a narrow neck of land


What was the Council of 500?

lottery-chosen citizens proposed laws, looked over treasury, dealt with foreign countries


What's an agora?

open area below acropolis for debates and markets


What are helots?

conquered people who became slaves to the Spartans; Sparta was extremely paranoid of the helots rebelling


What's a hoplite?

heavily armed (round shield, short sword, 9-foot spear) infantry citizen soldier in ancient Greece

hoplites were good soldiers because they took pride in fighting for their city-state and it was one of their duties as citizens


What's Hellenes?

what ancient Greeks called themselves


What were demes?

new tribes who could now participate in govt. (they used to be looked down upon as outsiders)


What's laconic?

using very few words; Spartans were taught to use as few words as possible; named after Laconia–the valley the Spartans lived in; examples:

  • “If I come to Sparta, I’ll level it.” Spartan reply: “If.”
  • “Why are your Spartan swords so short?”  Spartan reply: “Long enough to reach your heart.”
  • “We have so many more soldiers than you Spartans. Our arrows will block out the sun.” Spartan reply: “Good, then we will fight in the shade.”