Know when to Hold'em
Know when to Fold'em
Decisions Decisions
A'la Mode'l

The act of choosing one alternative from among a set of alternatives.

What is Decision-making


This is the first stage of Henri Fayol's 4 functions

What is Planning


This occurs when the group’s desire for consensus and cohesiveness overwhelms its desire to reach the best possible decision

What is Groupthink


These decisions are relatively unstructured and occur much less often than programmed decisions

What are Non-programmed decisions


This approach to decision making that tells managers how they should make decisions; it assumes their decisions will be in the organization’s best interests

What is Classical model


An innate belief about something, without conscious consideration.

What is Intuition


Today, the four (4) basic management functions are considered to be

What is planning, organizing, leading and controlling


A decision-maker’s staying with a decision even when it appears to be wrong.

What is Escalation of commitment


The extent to which a decision maker is willing to gamble when making a decision.

What is Risk propensity


This model requires the decision maker to specifically define the decision, situation, identify alternatives, and evaluate each alternative.

What is Rational


The tendency to search for alternatives only until one is found that meets some minimum standard of sufficiency

What is Satisficing


One advantage of group decision making is that it usually provides ___ than individual decision making.  

What are ideas and information


The decision maker faces 3 conditions. These are

What is  Certainty, Risk and Uncertainty


A condition in which the decision maker knows with reasonable certainty what the alternatives are and what conditions are associated with each alternative.

What is State of certainty


This model is a stark contrast to the classical model and is used most often.

What is the administrative model


A concept suggesting that decision makers are limited by their values and unconscious reflexes, skills, and habits

What is Bounded rationality


This is an informal alliance of individuals or groups formed to achieve a common goal, which is often a preferred decision alternative. They often play an important role in decision making in organizations.

What is a coalition


Perhaps the biggest drawback of group decision making is that it need these

What is time and resources


A condition in which the decision maker does not know all the alternatives, the risks associated with each, or the consequences each alternative is likely to have.

What is State of uncertainty


This perspective is particularly persuasive when it is used to question the outcomes of decisions based on “untested but strongly held beliefs” or on “uncritical benchmarking.”

What is Evidence-Based Management


A decision that is fairly structured or recurs with some frequency (or both).

What is a Programmed decision


To avoid groupthink, the group should critically evaluate all alternatives, allow divergent viewpoints to be presented, and assign at least one member to play this role

What is a devil’s advocate


Good management strives for high levels of these 

What are high efficiency and high effectiveness.


The merger of two corporations would use this type of decision. 

What are Non-programmed decisions


If Mr. Spock was to make a decision, he would use this model. He only thinks logically, has all the information, and can eliminate all uncertainty.

What is the classical decision model