Isotonic solutions are the most commonly used fluids given intravenously in the hospital. An isotonic solution is one with a salt concentration that is _____ to that of blood cells.
An endotracheal tube is used to keep the airway patent when the airway has the potential to be compromised. What does the prefix in the word “endotracheal” mean?
“The stroke affected the left hemisphere of our client’s brain”. What does the prefix in the word “hemisphere” mean?
Malnutrition occurs when there is a lack of sufficient nutrients in the body. What does the prefix in the word “malnutrition” mean?
bad, inadequate
below normal
In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo implants _____
outside of the uterus
An example of exocrine glands are salivary and sweat glands. What does the prefix in the word “exocrine” mean?
External, on the outside
above normal, overly
Eustress refers to a/an _____ stress level
good, normal
To perform a needle decompression, the needle must be inserted in the second intercostal space, midclavicular line. What does the prefix in “intercostal” mean?
The infratemporal area refers to the temporal area. What does the prefix “infra-” mean?
below the temple
out of, away from, outside
The extrapleural refers to the pleura of the chest cavity. What does the prefix “extrapleural” mean?
Without, outside of
The metacarpal bones are five long bones of the hand between the carpal bones and the proximal phalanges of the hand that make up most of the palm. What does the prefix in the word “metacarpal” mean?
meg(a)-, megal(o)-
Mesocephalic refers to having a head size _____.
middle, median, average
An epidemic is a widespread disease. What does the prefix in the word “epidemic” mean?
abnormal, difficult