An individual's right to make their own choices and decisions about their life
The ethical standard governing self-determination
Standard 1.02
This approach helps clients work on their own goals
Client-centered approach
for adults clients who lack mental capacity or have been declared we should seek consent from
POAs, advanced directives, court orders, or other documentation naming their surrogate decision maker
Final due date for timesheet, supervision notes and evaluations
April 28th
The legal term referring to whether an individual have the legal status to make certain decisions on their own behalf
mental competence
The ethical standard governing informed consent
Standard 1.03
Fully informed consent may be waived by
an IRB
for children who are too young or who lack capacity to provide consent on their own behalf we seek consent from
parents or legal guardian
The minimum amount of supervised field hours
Research conducted without the knowledge or consent of the participants
The ethical standard governing clients who lack decision making capacity
Standard 1.14
A final limitation on self-determination arises when this is in question
mental capacity
Terms used to describe people who have authority to make decisions on behalf of a person who lacks mental capacity or who has been declared legally incompetent
surrogate, substitute, guardian, conservator and proxy
Summer and Fall advising date/time
February 26 @12:00pm
The ability of a person to think, understand, reason, appreciate and remember
mental capacity
Autonomy is based on this Social Work value
Dignity and worth of the person
may determine and declare whether a person is mentally incompetent
a judge
Clear violation of informed consent
imposing decisions on clients
failing to provide client with sufficient facts and knowledge
explaining services or interventions in a language clients cannot understand
preventing clients from choosing to withdraw from services
obtaining consent from clients who do not have the necessary mental capacity to provide consent
Spring break dates
March 9-16
The agreement to participate in services from a person who lacks mental capacity or legal competence to give formal consent
Autonomy is built into this Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
First Amendment
four areas of decision making capacity
a) the ability to understand relevant considerations
b)the ability to understand and appreciate the risks and benefits of various treatment choices
c)the ability to compare decision choices and think rationally about them
d)the ability to communicate a stable treatment choice
this is violated when researchers coerce, threaten or impose negative sanctions or withhold help or benefits if someone refuse to participate.
Mid program reflection due date
April 13, 2025