Unlike Fractions
Fractions that have different denominators
Write each Fraction or mixed number as a decimal
1/5 + 2/5
3/5 x 1/2
Write each expression using exponents
6 x 6 x 7 x 7 x 7
62 x 73
Common Denominator
Fractions that have the same bottom number
Write each Fraction or mixed number as a decimal 3/25
3/10 - 9/10
-6/10 or -3/5
2/3 x (-4)
-8/3 or -2 and 2/3
Find the prime factorization of the following number and write the result using exponents.
23 x 33
Terminating Decimal
Decimal that ends or is a repeating decimal where zero is repeated
Write each Fraction or mixed number as a decimal -7/8
-1/3 + (-1/4)
5 divided by 4/3
3 and 3/4 or 15/4
Solve each equation
c2 = 0.000169
0.013 and -0.013
Bar Notation
Line or bar that is placed over digits that repeat, in a repeating decimal.
Write each Fraction or mixed number as a decimal
0.5 repeating
1/2 - (-2/5)
7/3 divided by 5
Convert 2 quarts to ounces
32 ounces
Rational Number
A number that can be expressed as a ratio.
ex: A fraction, decimal, percent
Write each Fraction or mixed number as a decimal 8/11
0.72 repeating
-2/3 - (-3/4)
35/8 divided by 7/4
5/2 or 2 and 1/2
Convert 3 yards to inches
108 inches