Possessive Prounouns
La famille
BAGS Adjectives
I'm feeling crunk :)
This is what you look at to choose the gender and number of the possessive prounoun you need.
What is the object that is possessed?
The word for girl or daughter in French.
What is la fille?
This is what the acronym BAGS stands for.
What is Beauty, Age, Goodness, Size?
These are the endings for ER verbs.
What is e, es, e, ons, ez, ent?
This is how you write this French sentence in English. Mes bons eleves parlent en francais beaucoup.
What is " My good students speak in French a lot. "
This possessive prounoun would go in the blank of the following sentence: Ma, Mon or Mes _____ fille est intelligente.
What is ma?
C'est le pere de mon pere.
What is mon grand-pere?
This is the significance of BAGS adjectives. (what they tell us).
What is: these are the adjectives that go before the noun.
This is the ER verb ending you use when talking ABOUT one person.
What is E? Example: La prof arrivE a la maison.
This is how you write this French sentence in English. Leurs jeunes enfants rigolent.
What is " Their young children laugh/joke around. "
This is the possessive prounoun that fits correctly into the following sentence Leurs, Votre, or Ta _____ soeurs regardent un film.
What is Leurs?
These family members are always masculine even if they are girls.
What are cats and dogs.
This is correct form of BEAU that goes in the blank. La __________ famille habite rue St Georges.
What is belle?
This French verb means to work.
What is travailler?
This is how you write this English sentence in French. Our beautiful cat is nice.
What is " Notre beau chat est sympa. "
This is the reason we use "son" in this sentence instead of "sa". Son amie a les cheveux blonds.
What is: "amie" is feminine but begins with a vowel so we must use "son" instead of "sa".
Elle est la soeur de ma mere.
What is ma tante?
This is the correct form of MAUVAIS that goes in the blank. Les _______________ garcons parlent beaucoup.
What is : mauvais?
This word is the mistake in the following sentence. Nous ecouter la prof pendant le cours.
What is ecouter? (It should be ecoutons).
This is how you write this English sentence in French. My sister's ugly dog has black hair.
What is " Le laid chien de ma soeur a les cheveux noirs. "
There is no 's in French, so how would we say the following phrase? My mother's dog
What is: the dog of my mother / le chien de ma mere.
Mon neveu est __ ______ de mon frere.
What is : le fils?
This is the correct form of NOUVEAU that goes in the blank. Le __________ eleve est brun.
What is nouvel?
You have to conjugate the verb in the sentence if there is only one. This is what you do if you have two verbs in a sentence.
What is conjugate the first verb and leave the second in the infinitive. Example: J'aime avoir du chocolat. (I like to have chocolate.)
This is how you write this English sentence in French. I am happy. Tomorrow we take a test.
What is " Je suis content(e). Demain nous passons un examen. "