How and Why Europeans Came to the New World?
How and Why Europeans Came to the New World?
How and Why Europeans Came to the New World?
Changes in Europe Spur Exploration
Changes in Europe Spur Exploration
The age of exploration began in the late part of this century?
The late 1400s.
What year did Christopher Columbus set sail to North America?
In 1492.
This tool was used by explorers to figure out direction. It is still in use today. This tool has a magnetic needle balanced on a small metal post. The needle spins freely and the needle point is attracted by the powerful magnetic field that lines up close to the North Pole. The needle will always point North. If a ships captain ccould figure out which direction was north, he could find the other directions. What is the name of this tool?
This tool is a compass.
in 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella succeeded. What did they accomplish?
In 1492 their armies defeated the Muslims and retook Spain under Christian rule.
Who became Queen of England in 1558 and spent much of her reign in disputes with Spain?
Queen Elizabeth I came to power in England in 1558.
The earliest explorers did not set out to find new continents, such as the Americas. What were they looking for when they set sail on unknown seas?
The earliest explorers were looking for routes to Asia.
This object is a circular piece of metal with marks around its edges. A bar attached to it can be rotated about the center as a pointer. A sailor would hold this object by a loop at the top. He would then tilt the bar so it lined up against the sun, the North Star, or another known star. He would measure the latitude of his ship by measuring the angle of the star above the horizon. The angle would tell him how far north or south the ship was from the equator. With this object explorers can sail accurately by day or night. What is the name of this object?
This object is an astrolabe.
What land masses are referred to when you hear the "Americas"?
The Americas are the land masses of North America, Central America, and South America.
Muslims follow the religion is Islam. In the 700s, Muslims crossed the Mediterranean Sea and took control of Spain. The rest of Europe followed what religion?
The rest of Europe followed the Christian religion and were troubled by the Muslim presence in Spain.
Columbus wanted to set sail west across what ocean in search of a new trade route to Asia?
Columbus planned to set sail West across the Atlantic ocean.
Define the term Archaeologist.
An archaeologist is a scientist who studies artifacts to learn about past cultures.
During the Age of exploration, rulers wanted to spread their power to the New World. Sometimes they paid for the explorers' ships and crews. These explorers carried flags or banners to honor their kings and queens. Once explorers reached a new land, they planted a flag to claim, or take, that land for their country. Spanish ships often flew a flag that showed a cross. Spanish flags also included two letters on them. What were the two letters?
The Spanish flags also had the letter "F" for King Ferdinand and a "Y" for Queen Ysabel ("Isabella" in English).
Why did Catholic rulers send priests and armies to other lands?
In the 1500s, explorers from Europe were Christians. Many carried a Bible with them. Part of their mission was to convert people to the Catholic Church.
What was the name given to Spain's huge fleet of warships? This fleet was one of the most powerful forces ever gathered. Its 130 ships carried 30 thousand sailors.
The Spanish Armada set sail for England in the late 1500s. In one of history's greatest naval battles, the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.
In 1517, there was only one type of Christian religion in Europe, what was it?
In 1517, the Catholic Church was the only Christian religion in Europe. Luther's questions challenged this Church.
Spanish rulers sent explorers to the New World hoping that they would bring back these precious metals?
Europeans counted wealth in gold and silver. They made their most valuable coins from these metals. Gold and silver was brought back to Spain from the Americas.
Name at least 5 crops found in the Americas grown by Native Americans and brought back to Europe.
Corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, squash, tomatoes, pineapple, and cacao.
This plant grew throughout the Americas, was used by Native Americans as part of religious and peacemaking ceremonies, and became very popular in Europe when explorers brought it back. What is the name of this plant and what term is used to describe how it is grown and sold?
It is a tobacco plant. The tobacco plant became a cash crop because it was grown in large quantities for sale.
Martin Luther is the founder of a movement called the Reformation. What was he hoping to accomplish?
Martin Luther hoped to improve, or reform, the Church. He started a movement called the Reformation. Many people agreed with Luther and left the Catholic Church becoming Protestants, which comes from the word protest, and formed new churches.
What is a nation-state? Why did the reconquest of Spain make it a great and powerful nation-state?
A nation-state is an independent country whose people mostly share a common identity. Queen Isabella defeated the Muslims and brought Spain under Christian rule, making Spain a unified country.
Christianity reached Europe almost 2,000 years ago during the time of the Roman Empire, but it began in what part of the world?
Christianity began in the Middle East.
Name at least two ways Archaeologists find a sunken ship?
Archaeologist look at old ship records kept by European merchants, they read tales told by shipwreck survivors, and sonar, which uses sound waves to detect sunken objects, such as anchors or cannons.
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella wanted more power for their kingdom of Spain. How would exploration help them gain more power?
Gaining more land and natural resources would strengthen their kingdom of Spain.
Christopher Columbus was not Spanish. Where was he originally from?
Christopher Columbus was originally from Genoa, Italy.
In the 1500s, what was the cause of the conflict between England and Spain?
The main reason England and Spain had tensions was over religion. England had broken away from the Catholic church and became a Protestant country. Spain had Catholic rulers, who were deeply religious.