A suffering servant who came for everyone not just the Isrealites.
Who is Jesus?
Any follower of Christ
Who are the disciples?
One of the 12 Apostles. Jesus told him that he would be the rock of His Church. Some call him the first pope.
Who is peter?
Short stories used by Jesus to help the listener know about the choice to enter the Kingdom of God using simple comparisons.
What is a parable?
He would be a military leader who would win battles and make them a leading nation.
What are the Jews expectations of the Messiah?
The 12 men Jesus chose to go out to preach the gospel and evangelize.
Who are the Apostles?
He persecuted Christians until he was temporarily blinded and converted by God. He changed his name after becoming a follower of Christ.
Who is paul?
A parable about a beaten up man on the side of the road who was ignored by two Isrealites but helped by a man from a rival group.
What is "The Good Samaritan"?
Jesus caused people to follow or reject him
What is Jesus as a sign of contradiction?
He chose imperfect people and invited them to learn from him
What is Jesus' way of getting followers?
Two symbols that represent St. Peter
What are the double keys and upside-down cross?
A parable about a man who gives workers who all worked different hours the same amount of money. The first workers complain but he was just being generous to the others.
What is the "Workers in the Vineyard"?