Animal Form and Function
Coordination and Control
Energy Use

Define convergent evolution.

species that are not closely related exhibit similar traits due to facing similar selection pressures


What is the function of glial cells?

to nourish and insulate neurons


How do regulators manage their internal environments?

they use control mechanisms to keep internal environment constant, even when external environment is changing


Define torpor.

a physiological state where an animal's activity and metabolism are greatly decreased to reduce their energy needs


What are poikilotherms?

species that let their body temperature change with the environment


What is an example of circulatory fluid?

blood or hemolymph


What are the different types of connective tissue?

adipose tissue, loose connective tissue, fibrous connective tissue, bone, blood, and cartilage


Explain the difference between positive and negative feedback loops.

while positive feedback loops amplify a stimulus, negative feedback loops reduce the stimulus


How does an animal's size compare to its metabolic rate?

larger animals have more body mass, which requires more metabolic energy 


How does vasodilation function as a thermoregulatory adaptation?

as blood vessels get bigger and allow more blood to flow through them, blood near the body's surface increases and moves heat from blood to environment


Do larger species need more material to maintain their bodies? Why or why not?

yes because the amount of material that needs to be exchanged is proportional to body volume


Share whether each muscle type is striated/non-striated and voluntary/involuntary.

Skeletal: striated and voluntary

Cardiac: striated and involuntary

Smooth: non-striated and involuntary


What are two differences between the endocrine system and the nervous system?

speed: ES is slow-acting while NS is fast-acting

target: ES signaling can affect one or more locations, but NS signaling goes to a specific cell


Why is SMR used to measure the metabolic rate of ectothermic species?

the metabolic rate of ectotherms varies with body temperature and body temperature varies with environmental temperature, so measuring the metabolic rate must include the temperature at which the measurement was taken


Define acclimatization and give an example.

animals change how much they rely on a specific thermoregulation technique over different parts of the year

ex: dogs can shed their winter coat when the weather starts warming up, reducing their reliance on insulation