Body Plans
Kleenex and Pianos
Who am I?

the dissipation of energy through the production of heat and occurs in specialised tissues including brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle



This is the hierarchical organization in bodies from smallest to largest.

Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems


These are three examples of osmoregulatory organs.

Flatworms ->Protonephridea

Annelids and molluscs -> Nephridia

Crustaceans -> Antennal glands

Insects & spiders -> Malpighian tubules

Vertebrates -> Kidneys


This is the term for the exchange of heat between two fluids flowing in opposite directions

Countercurrent heat exchange:


A secreted chemical formed in specialized cells that travels in body fluids in small amounts, and acts on a specific type of target cell, changing the target cell’s functioning in some way



What kind of nitrogenous waste do I produce?



Rule stating that enzyme reactions double with 10 degree temp change.




In contrast to ____ symmetry, which is best suited for stationary or limited-motion lifestyles, ____ symmetry allows for streamlined and directional motion and specialization of different sections of the body.

radial symmetry, bilateral


These are the three types of epithelial tissue.

1.Squamous cells

2.Cuboidal cells

3.Columnar cells


These are the three types of mechanisms for regulation of homeostatic regulation, what they mean, and an example of each (ex. morphological, etc.)

Morphological – physical characteristics that aid in homeostasis; ex. Fur

Physiological – physical mechanisms that are used to maintain homeostasis; ex. Sweating, “antifreeze” chemical production

Behavioral – behavioral mechanism used to regulate homeostasis; ex. Sunbathing; beetle that holds abdomen up at an angle to gather moisture


This is the mechanisms by which adrenaline works and its function.

Raises blood glucose, blood flow, blood pressure, heart rate, increases metabolism, constricts certain blood vessels as an alarm or stress response to fight-or-flight efforts


Endotherm or Ectotherm?



Core body temperature (CBT) has a 24-h rhythm that increases in the daytime and decreases at night, with minimum temperature occurring in the early morning. This rhythmic variation usually has an amplitude greater than 1.0°C

Circadian Rhythm


Label anterior end, posterior, dorsal, and ventral


Tendons, ligaments, cartilage are a part of this system

Skeleton system


This is the difference between endotherms and ectotherms and an example of organisms of each.

Endotherms generate metabolic heat (mostly homeothermic, maintaining stable temperature, but some heterothermic, temp varies based on metabolism), birds and mammals

Ectotherms do not generate heat and therefore conform to ambient temperature, fish, reptiles, and insects


This is the organ that releases insulin, which lowers blood glucose level and glucagon, which raises blood glucose level



I am an osmoregulator, do I have to deal with a hypotonic or a hypertonic environment?

Whats an example of an osmoconformer?



Osmoconformers include marine inverts


__A__ happens during the winter season. Here animals stay in dormant condition during low temperature. On the other hand, __B__ occurs during the summer season. During high temperature, animals stay inactive to save energy.

An example of A

An example of B




Adaptive advantage of body cavities. 

Organs that lie in solid tissue are squeezed or compressed every time the animal moves, a body cavity permits them freedom of movement, for example providing for more efficient transport of gut contents


Name two types of involuntary muscle types, what they do, and where they are found.

Smooth:Walls of blood vessels, stomach, and intestines-> Powers rhythmic contractions to move substances through vessels

Cardiac: Walls of heart-> Interconnected cells promote rapid spread of signal initiating contraction of heart


This is a list of the three forms of nitrogenous waste in order of their toxicity from most to least with examples of the sorts of organisms that produce each type

Ammonia – bony fish and aquatic inverts, least energetically expensive but most toxic – requires lots of water to flush away toxicity, which makes sense in an aquatic environment

Urea – mammals, amphibians, and cartilaginous fish, less toxic and water soluable

Uric acid – reptiles, birds and insects, most energetically expensive but also saves the most water, least toxic


______ Pituitary releases hormones made in the hypothalamus including oxytocin, which is involved in human bonding and ADH (Antidiuretic hormone) which promotes retention of water by kidneys

While the ______ Pituitary releases growth hormones, prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and the melanocyte stimulating hormone.

Posterior Pituitary

 Anterior Pituitary


What hormones might a dairy farmer give cows to help produce milk?

Prolactin and oxytocin


______biologist, author, and conservationist whose influential book Silent Spring and other writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement and stopping the use of ______.

Rachel Carson, DDT