Multicultural Terms
Culturally SOUND
Challenges of Reaching Diverse Population
Sexual Orientation
this describes age, gender, place of residence; social, educational and economic background; informal affiliations; and the ethnographic variables of nationality, ethnicity, language, and religion
What is culture
Unexamined assumptions can be harmful to clients especially based on cultural, in this assumption therapists need to realize that cultural forces may be operating when clients are slow to disclose personal details.
What is assumptions about self-disclosure
According to Sue and his colleagues, this type of counselor has three dimensions.
What is culturally skilled counselor?
This organization provides "Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations
What is American Psychological Association (APA)
In 1973, APA stopped labeling this term as a form of mental illness
What is homosexuality?
This is a sense of identity that stems from common ancestry, history, nationality, religion, and race.
What is Ethnicity?
Unexamined assumptions can be harmful to clients especially based on cultural, in this assumption therapists may face barriers with clients if they are told what to think and what they want.
What is assumptions about assertiveness
This entails recognizing our limitations and is manifested in our willingness to seek consultation, continuing education, and make referrals to another colleague.
What is multicultural competence
As educators, psychologists are encouraged to employ the constructs of multiculturalism and diversity in psychological education, this statement is from what APA Guideline
What is Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists
These individuals have a significant struggle regarding their sexual orientation
What is LGB (Lesbian, gay, bisexual) Individuals
This is a generic term that indicates any relationship between and within two or more diverse groups. It reflects the complexity of culture but avoids any implied comparison. It provides a conceptual framework that recognizes the complex diversity of a pluralistic society, while at the same time suggesting bridges of shared concern that bind culturally different individuals to one another.
What is multiculturalism
Unexamined assumptions can be harmful to clients especially based on cultural, in this assumption therapists may interpret the client's hesitancy to speak as resistance when it is only a sign of respect.
What is assumption of trusting relationship?
This is an active and lifelong learning process, rather than a fixed state that is arrived at.
What is cultural competence
These types of clients are underrepresented in mental health services
What is minority clients?
Unless helpers become conscious of their own assumptions and possible countertransference, this could happen when counseling LGB clients.
What is project misconceptions and their fears onto their client.
this is a three-stage developmental sequence, from multicultural awareness to knowledge and comprehension to skills and applications.
What is culture-centered counseling
Unexamined assumptions can be harmful to clients especially based on cultural, in this assumption, counselors have to interpret a client's lack of eye contact as a cultural tradition.
What is assumption about nonverbal behavior?
Counselor Awareness of Own Cultural Values and Beliefs and Understanding Client's Worldview are examples of this
What is Multicultural Counseling Competencies
Mental Health Professionals have a moral and professional responsibility for these three perspectives
What is 1) to become aware of and deal with biases that undergrid their practice 2) become aware of culturally different values and worldview 3) develop appropriate intervention strategies
Dealing with this particular group is especially important to gay couples
What is family memebers?
this pertains to therapists' awareness of clients' worldviews, which are acknowledge in relation to therapists' awareness of their own personal biases.
What is cultural empathy
Unexamined assumptions can be harmful to clients especially based on cultural, in this assumption therapists may assume a client's lack of "getting to the point immediately" as a sign of rudeness and not a cultural tradition.
What is assumption about directness and respect?
AMCD stands for this
What is Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
Minority clients, who use counseling resources may lose this in the process
What is their cultural values?
Attitudes toward LGB people, relationships and family concerns, complex diversity within LGB community are main areas in these guidelines.
What is APA's Division 44