Settling on the Great Plains
Settling on the Great Plains 2.0
Farmers and the Populist Movement
Farmers and the populist movement 2.0
Literature of the west

In 1862, the congress passed the [blank], offering 160 acres of land free to any citizen or intended citizen who was head of the household.

What is the Homestead Act?


The steel plow made planting more efficient in rootfilled soil.

What is Steel Plow?


Farmers united to address their economic problems, giving rise to the Populist.

What is Farmers and the Populist Movement?


The daughter of Irish immigrants, was a leader of the Populist party.

Who was Mary Elizabeth Lease?


Those who could not venture there in person enjoyed reading about the West in colorful tales by writers such as...

Who is Mark Twain?


Name one factor that helped the cattle business grow

What are longhorns, a sturdy breed first brought to the Americas?


Dugouts and sodies

Trees were scarce,  did most settlers build their homes form the land itself?


The movement of the people

What is Populism?

Between 1867 and 1887, for example, the price of a bushel of wheat fell from $2.00 to 68 cents. In effect, farmers lost money at every turn.

Why did farmers think that an increased money supply would help solve their economic problems?


After gold was discovered in California, Americans came to view the west as a region of unlimited possibility.

What is the literature of the west?


Railroad companies and investors created [blank], enormous single-crop spreads of 15,000-50,000 acres. 

What is Bonanza Farms?


Women’s work 

Did women often work beside the men in the fields, plowing the land and planting and harvesting the predominant crop, wheat?


Farmers were particularly hard hit in the decades leading to the financial panic of 1893.

What is the Plight of the Farmers?

Many farm families suffered both hunger and unemployment.

What caused the panic of 1893?


...And in the country of Kiansis

They cornered him after all;

Though they were more than three hundred

He leaped out of their coral.

What is the Ballad of Gregorio Cortez?


The [blank] of 1862 and 1890 gave federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges.

What is the Morrill Act?


In 1837, John Deere had invented a steel plow that could slice through heavy soil. In 1847, Cyrus McCormick began to mass-produce a reaping machine.

What is Technical Support for Farmers?


GAve federal land to the states to help finance agricultural colleges

What is the Morris Act ?


The Populists' programs eventually became the platform of the Democratic Party and kept alive the concept that the government  is responsible for reforming social injustices.

What was the Populist Party platform?


The American humorist Samuel Clemens-better known as Mark Twain- was a would-be gold and silver miner who penned tales of frontier life.

What is the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county?


African Americans who moved from the post-Reconstrution South to Kansas. 

Who were the exodusters?


“American social development has been continually beginning over again on the frontier. The perennial rebirth, this fluidity of American life, this expansion westward with its new opportunities, its continuous touch with the simplicity of primitive society, furnish the forces dominating American character."

What was The Significance of the Frontier in American History?


A white Baptist missionary, R.M Humphrey, organized the [blank] in 1886 in Houston, Texas.

What is the Colored Farmers' National Alliance?


Many of the populist reform issues, such as income tax and legally protected rights of workers, are now taken for granted.

Why it matters now?


Known as the Operator of the Plains, Chief Santana represented the 1867 Medicine Lodge Creek negotiations with the U.S Government.

Chief Santana, speech at the Medicine Lodge Creek Council (1867)