
According to Genesis 5:1, this is the book of the genealogy of ________.

A. Man

B. Jesus Christ

C. Adam

D. Moses

C. Adam

According to Genesis 5:1, "In the day that God created man, He made him _______."

A. Handsome

B. In the likeness of God

C. With a living soul

D. Able to discern good from evil

B. In the likeness of God


According to Genesis 5:2, after He created them male and female, He _______.

A. Rested

B. Told them to be fruitful and multiply

C. Said it was good

D. Blessed them

D. Blessed them


According to Genesis 5:2, God called them Mankind "In the day they were __________."

A. Born

B. Created

C. Sanctified

D. Purified

B. Created


According to Genesis 5:3, how old was Adam when he had a son in his own likeness?

A. 130

B. 100

C. 60

D. 30

A. 130


In Genesis 5:3, Adam's son, described as being in his own likeness and image, was named _________.

A. Cain

B. Abel

C. Seth

D. Enosh

C. Seth


According to Genesis 5:4, after the birth of Seth, Adam ________.

A. Had no more children

B. Had twelve sons

C. Had sons and daughters

D. Died

C. Had sons and daughters


According to Genesis 5:4, Adam lived how many years after the birth of Seth?

A. 40

B. 400

C. 800

D. 930

C. 800


According to Genesis 5:5, "All the days that Adam lived were ______."

A. 930

B. 969

C. 800

D. 666

A. 930


According to Genesis 5:6, Seth, the son of Adam, was how old when he had a child?

A. 3 score

B. 3 score and ten

C. 200

D. 105

D. 105


In Genesis 5:7, Seth lived how many years after he begot Enosh?

A. 400

B. 807

C. 930

D. 969

B. 807


According to Genesis 5:5 and Genesis 5:8, _______.

A. Seth lived to an older age than Adam

B. Adam lived to an older age than Seth

C. Both Adam and Seth died at the same age

D. Eve outlived Adam

B. Adam lived to an older age than Seth


According to Genesis 5:18, Jared lived 162 years and begot ______. 

A. Enoch

B. Enosh

C. Methuselah

D. Shem

A. Enoch


According to Genesis 5:21, Enoch lived 65 years and begot ______. 

A. Noah

B. Lamech

C. Methuselah

D. Shem

C. Methuselah