Canadian Laws and Policies on Immgratioin
Canadian Criteria for Accepting Immigrants and Refugees
Canadian History of Immigration
How does Canadian immigration affect Collective Rights
Geography/ Extra
A piece of legislation regarding immigrants and refugees which was developed by the Liberal government in 2002?
What is Canada's Immigration And Refugee Protection Act?
What is a number of points an immigrant needs to qualify to Canada under the points system?
Between 1885 and 1923 Canada discouraged immigration from Asia by requiring a fixed fee.
What is Canada's Chinese Head Tax and exclusion laws?
Group of Canadians concerned over government efforts to help refugees when their own issues have not been addressed.
What are Canada's First Nations?
Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal
What are the top three locations where immigrants settle in Canada?
Supreme Court decision on April 4th (Refugee Rights Day), following this decision on allowing every refugee a proper hearing.
What is known as the Singh decision?
This classification of immigrant is required to qualify using Canada's points system.
What are economic immigrants?

what reasons should immigration be a good thing? 

good opportunities and unemployment in Canada

This group introduced a policy that would freeze immigration in Canada in order to pressure the government to deliver resources to its people.
What is the AFN or Assembly of First Nations
These were displayed in Europe during the 1800's to encourage settlement in Canada's West. Many offered fritt land!
What are Canada's Immigration Posters?
An example is to offer refuge to people facing persecution because of race, religion or political opinion.
What is an objective for Refugees regarding the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act?
language, skills, education, employer, adaptability, age
What are factors considered in Canada's points system?
This is a person who seeks refuge in another country because of danger or persecution in their home country?
What is a refugee?
While Ontario receives 50% immigrants and Quebec receives 18%, Alberta had received this number of immigrants in 2006?
What is 8%
India, China, Europe and the United States
What are the major countries that immigrate to Canada?
This category of Canadian immigrants made up the largest group of immigrants in 2006 according to stats Canada.
What are Economic Immigrants?
The year the points system was introduced in Canada?
What is 1967?

what is the national policy?

promote Canadian industry, finish the national, and settle the west

Quebec nomination program encouraging settlement. Under this program, children of immigrants must attend french schools.
What is the Quebec Accord?
Health care, education, jobs, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
What are pull factors for Canadian immigration?
An important reason why Canada continues to encourage immigration due to economic reasons.
What is Canada's labour force growth rate in regards to our demographics?
Refusal entry for putting Canadians health at risk. Refusal entry for endangering public safety. Refusal entry for excessive demands on health services.
What are reasons why an economic immigrant may be refused immigration status based on health?

when was the Provincial Nomination Program (PNP) established?