Rules of the Road
Signals and Signs
Signs and Pavement Markings
Traffic signs
Need to know

When a traffic officer is directing traffic, at a singal controlled intersection, and the light turns red what should you do?

Obey the officers hand signals.


A red arrow means what?

Stop. No turns are permitted


What is the difference between yellow and white lines?

Yellow lines separate travel lanes moving in opposite directions. White lines separate travel lanes moving in the same direction.


Warning signs are often what shape?



When are you not permitted to make a right on red?

When there is a sign indicating "NO TURN ON RED".


At a intersection controlled by stop signs in all directions who has the right of way.

The first there

Vehicle to the right if you are there at the same time


The flashing red signal has the same meaning as what?

A stop sign


Name a sign you this on:

No Left Turn/ No Right Turn/ No U-turn


What is the triangle shaped warning sign?

No Passing Zone


At a Four-way intersection, which direction has the stop line the furthest back?

Left turning traffic.


What traffic signal means you have a "protected" movement.

A green arrow


What does the flashing yellow arrow signal mean?

the turn is permitted but drivers must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians


Detour signs are what color?



Traffic signs are divided into what three types?

Regulatory- Warning/Caution- Guide/Informational


What is the difference between the "No Passing Zone" sign and the "DO NOT PASS" sign?

No passing zone is a warning sign

DO NOT PASS is a regulatory sign that you must abide by


Signal, solid, yellow lines are used as:

left-edge lines on divided higways


What are used to control traffic at mid-block crosswalks and entrances to emergency response facilities?

Hybrid beacons


What pavement marking on a two-lane, two-way road indicates both directions are permitted to pass?

A skipped or broken yellow line.


What is the difference between the two railroad signs

The circle RR gives advance warningof a railroad crossing.

The railroad crossing is at the railroad, and you must stop if a flagman, signal or gate indicates a train is approaching.


What does the soft shoulder sign mean?

warns drivers that the berm (right of the white line) up ahead is made of gravel or packed dirt. The shoulder isn't paved and may be uneven to the paved road.


When are you required to yield with a green arrow?

when making a u-turn


What is used to control traffic entering a freeway from an interchange entrance ramp?

Ramp meter signal


What is the difference in the pictures on the school and school crossing signs?

School- two people walking

School crossing- two people walking in-between lines


What signs are in the shape of a shield?

Route markers for U.S. highways

Interstate highway markers


When approaching an intersection with a traffic light that has malfunctioned due to a power outage or some other problem, you should:

approach the intersection and proceed as though the intersection is controlled by a stop sign on all approaches to the intersection.