Evolution (5.1)
Species Interactions (5.2)
Ecological Communities (5.3)
Community Stability (5.4)
A change in a population's gene pool over time.
What is biological evolution (evolution)?
The process by which an individual of one species hunts, captures, kills, and consumes an individual of another species.
What is predation?
Animals that eat both plant and animal food.
What is an omnivore?
A nonnative organism that spreads widely in a community.
What is an invasive species?
A heritable trait that increases an individual's fitness.
What is an adaptation? (5.1)
Changes in DNA that can give rise to genetic variation among individuals.
What are mutations?
The process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each other.
What is co-evolution? (example)?
Organisms that rely on other organisms for energy and nutrients.
What is a consumer or heterotroph?
Species that colonize the newly exposed land first.
What are pioneer species?

Animals, such as fungi and bacteria, that break down nonliving matter into simpler parts that can then be taken up and reused by primary producers.

What are decomposers? (5.3)

Traits that improve an organism's chances for survival and reproduction are passed on more frequently to future generations than those that do not.
What is natural selection?
A long-lasting and physically close relationship in which at least one organism benefits.
What is symbiosis?
The amount of available energy LOST between trophic levels.
What is about 90%?
This occurs when a disturbance is so severe that no vegetation or soil life remains, a community is built essentially from scratch.
What is primary succession?

When the environment changes too quickly for an organism to adapt, this will occur. 

What is extinction? 

How reproductively successful an organism is in its environment.
What is fitness?

The term describing when species become separated by a land barrier. 

What is geographic isolation?

Captures energy from the sun and store it in bonds of sugars, making energy available to the rest of the community.
What is an autotroph or primary producer?

The number of mass extinctions this world has seen.

What is 5?


This begins when a disturbance, such as a fire, logging, or farming, dramatically alters an existing community but does not destroy all living things or all organic matter in the soil.

What is secondary succession? (5.4)

The four steps of allopatric speciation.
What is: 1) Single population 2) Geographically isolated populations 3) Divergence occurs (each pop. develops its own set of mutations) due to long-term geographical isolation 4) Populations come together and can NO longer interbreed and are now 2 species.
Plants are able to grow in the shady, moist, and nutrient-rich area beneath the palo verde tree in the Sonoran Desert.
What is an example of commensalism?

Animals, such as millipedes and soil insects, that consume nonliving organic matter including leaf litter, waste products, and the dead bodies of other community members.

What are detritivores?


The major difference between primary and secondary succession.

Primary-no vegetation remains (takes a lot longer to rebound)

Secondary-some plant life remains (shorter time to rebound)


Mrs. Muchmore's son's names.

What are Arlo and Vinny.