What forces are described as.
What is "a push or a pull".
The definition of the 2nd Law.
What is "F = ma".
The definition of the 3rd Law.
What is "for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction".
The governor of Texas (sadly).
Who is "Greg Abbot".
What is "The Law of Inertia".
The definition of Net Force.
What is "the sum of all forces".
The answer to the situation: "Do you exert a force on the table in front of you?".
What is "yes".
Ash Ketchum's very first Pokemon.
Who is "Pikachu".
The two conditions that could be met to qualify as first law. (Hint: it has to do with the description of the 1st law of motion).
What is "the velocity must be zero" and "the velocity is constant".
AKA an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion (unless acted upon by an outside force).
What is the 1st Law to this 2nd one.
What is "it's a special case of the 2nd law".
The term we use to describe two corresponding forces under this law.
What is "third law force pair".
What is "the Omnitrix".
What an object has more of when it has a large mass.
What is "more inertia".
The object (1 or 2) that has the larger acceleration of m1 = 15.0g and m2 = 5.0kg.
What is "object 1".
True or False: "A balloon full of air is let go of. The forces acting in this situation constitute a 3rd Law Force Pair".
What is: "True".
Another name for the first day of spring.
What is "the vernal equinox".
The amount of force necessary to balance Force 1 and 2.
F1 = 4.0i + 6.0j
F2 = 6.0i - 12.0j
What is "F3 = -10.0i +6.0j".
This object is also in the direction of the acceleration in this chapter.
What is "the net force".
There is a collision on the road. The mass of the car is 980 kg. The mass of the truck is 2,700 kg and its acceleration was 11 m/s^2.
The acceleration of the car was...
What is "0.033 m/s^2".
The country where Haagen-Dazs ice cream was developed.
Where is "The United States".