How many points do you need to pass the Federal Skilled Workers (FSW) Test?
You need a minimum of 67 out of 100 points to pass
Why were the Chinese people needed in Canada?
They were needed to build the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)
55% of immigrants make up this category of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
What are Economic Immigrants?
In the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW), which categories are worth the most points?
Education, Language Skills
What is the difference between Immigration and Emigration?
Immigration - the process of people establishing homes, and often citizenship in a country that is not their native country.
Emigration - coming from a country
Eg. I emigrated from India and immigrated to Canada
What are the 4 categories of immigrants?
Economic, Family Class, Refugees, Other
This legislation establishes categories of who can come to Canada from other countries to make permanent homes in Canada.
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
What 3 cities in Canada receive the most immigration?
Toronto, Montreal, & Vancouver
What part of Alberta's economy faced labour shortages
Manufacturing/Construction and Transportation
A person who seeks refuge in another country because of danger or persecution in his or her home country
What is a refugee?
What are some advantages refugees have that immigrants dont?
Temporary Housing, Help finding permanent housing, Don't have to write the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW Test)
An agreement that Quebec can seek immigrants whose first language is French. It also requires immigrants to send their children to Francophone schools
What is the Canada-Quebec Accord?
Definition: A formal agreement
What does the Provincial Nomination Program do?
Provinces can "nominate" a percentage of immigrants Canada selects
When was the point system created?
Do health requirements and checks that can restrict immigrants from entering Canada apply to every category of immigrants?
What was Canada's main goal for immigration?
To promote Canadian industry, strengthen Canadian economy
What is the aboriginals peoples views on immigrants?
They want the government to prioritize their focus on meeting demands of their own citizens before bringing in more immigrants
THEY can not require immigrants to settle in particular places or work in particular jobs
What is the government?
What are these:
Pursue social, cultural, and economic benefits for all Canadians, respect the bilingual and multicultural character of Canada, support the development of minority official language communities, reunite families, share benefits of immigration.
Objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Name 3 Countries part of the initial wave to Canada in the early 1900s.
Denmark, Norway, Germany, Finland, Netherlands
What years did the 94 calls of action take place between?
Which immigration category is made up of "Immigration for humanitarian or compassionate reasons"
What is "Other"?
What are three of the main problems of immigration?
Housing Prices rise, overpopulation in certain areas, increase in homeless people, overflowing schools, taking over jobs
This legislation aims to "Grant fair consideration to people who claim to be persecuted, as an expression of Canada's humanitarian ideals."
What is the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, 2002?