Qin dynasty
Zhou dynasty
The Silk Road
Han dynasty

What nickname was given to Qin Shi Huangdi?

What is the first emperor of the Qin. 


What god did the Zhou dynasty worship?

What is the Zhou dynasty worshiped a god called Tian.  


List two facts about Confucius.

What is he was a philosopher/ smart

He didn't believe law and punishment was not good to control society.


What is a caravan?

What is groups of traders to protect themselves


What was the most important invention of the Han dynasty?

What is paper


What did Qin Shi Huangdi decide would be the best way to rule?

What is to follow strict laws and not teach Confucianism.


List the three social classes of China during the Zhou dynasty? 

What is the kings were on the top 

Nobel families were in the middle 

The Peasant farmers were at the bottom  


What did Confucius believe about the best way for a government to rule?

What is you should be good people and be treated with kindness.


What was the most important good that China traded with the West?

What is silk


What is the basic idea of Daoism?

What is accepting life as it is. Nature controls your life/gods. The best life is a simple life.


Describe some of the main ideas of legalism?

What is Legalism is when you follow strict laws.

It made sure that people would follow the rules.

if you are loyal you get rewarded.


Describe the public works in China during the Zhou dynasty?

What is they built buildings, roads, and the great wall.


Describe Confusius's idea of a good society

What is honor and obey leader

What is do what they were told to do


What was the most important good that China got in the Silk Road trade from the West?

What is Horses and Lumber


What was invented during the Han dynasty to help workers?

What is the wheel barrow


Why did the Qin dynasty start building walls?

What is they built walls to keep invaders out witch were the mongolians.


According to the Book of Documents, why did the Zhou rulers govern China carefully? 

What is they were afraid of losing support of their god and losing power.


Was confucianism a way to teach

What is it was thought to many cultures.


How long was the Silk Road?

What is about 4000 miles


What was the purpose of the civil service that was created by the Han emperor?

What is he gives out government job applications


Describe a bureaucracy?

What is a bureaucracy is the people that work for the government.


What caused the power of the Zhou leaders to weaken.

What is the Zhou king weakened and they all split up and made their own kingdoms.


Was Confucius a good leader or a bad leader?

What is Confucius was a good leader


Do we still use the Silk Road today?

What is no, not to trade but we can drive on pert of it


What was the main difference between how the Han emperor gave out government jobs as compared to earlier dynasties?

What is anyone can apply