This is a dollar amount that is earned for every hour worked.
Hourly Wage
Steve's annual salary is $55,000.
Total Compensation can be calculated by adding all the benefits your job offers to this.
Base Pay
This is the easiest business structure for self employment, since it requires no legal registration or paper work.
Sole Proprietorship
This is what we call the you get before any deductions are taken out of your paycheck.
Gross Pay
You earn $17 an hour, and you get paid time and a half for any hours worked over 40 hours. Rounded to the nearest dollar, this is how much money you made for working 57 hours.
This is a fixed amount of money earned on an annual basis
Bob gets paid $36/hr for full time hours. He works every week, except for the 2 weeks paid leave he gets a year.
This business structure is more popular than others due to the personal protection it offers to the owners' assets.
Limited Liability Company
This is the sum of your base pay and any other benefits your employer offers you.
Total Compensation
Rounded to the nearest dollar, this is the amount of money you make per hour if you have an annual salary of $57,000, assuming you work 40 hours per week.
This method of compensation is based on the sales performance of the employee.
Jackxson gets 18% of the revenue he generates for his company. This year he generated $313,888.89 worth of sales.
This would be your Annual PTO Value if you get paid $25/hr and receive 8 hours per month of PTO.
As of 2016 (and more recently as of 2023) this percentage of the US Workforce is self employed.
Examples of this include Health Insurance, Paid Time Off, or Retirement Funds.
Rounded to the nearest dollar, this is your monthly pay if you get paid $21.50/hr and work 40 hours per week.
Intellectual Property
Juwan gets paid $2,450 biweekly.
When calculating total compensation, all monetary amounts should be converted to this unit of time.
This business structure is very effective at limiting liability, they they are very expensive to start and maintain.
If you are looking to pay somebody to help find you a job, you should try going to one of these establishments.
Job Agency/Staffing Agency
Assuming Spotify pays $0.005 per stream, and Sabrina Carpenter gets a 75% royalty for each of her songs, this is how much she made off of her 1.8 billion streams of her hit song "Espresso" on Spotify.
Dave manufactures car parts, and is paid $30 for each part that passes inspection. He is paid twice a month according to this pay structure.
Piecewise Pay
This is how many more paychecks a person who gets paid weekly gets per year than a person who gets paid semi-monthly.
The Total Compensation for the following Job Offer:
Base Pay: $75,000
Health Insurance: Employee pays 25% $300 monthly premium
Retirement: Employer matches 4% of salary
2 Weeks Paid Vacation
People will often enter into partnerships so they have more access to funds to start or expand the business. These funds are often referred to as this.
This is one of the ways people are dumb with money, and it includes assigning a higher value to something you own just because you own it.
Your job has a starting salary of $76,000, and you get a raise of 3% for every year you stay with the company. Here's what your salary would be in the 10th year.