Confucius and Religious Beliefs
Zhou Dynasty
Han Dynasty
Qin Dynasty
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Someone who studies the meaning of life


The three social classes of the Zhou Dynasty

What are King, nobles, and peasants?


The person who united all of China and created the Han dynasty.

Who is Liu Bang? 


The name Qin Shi Hunagdi gave himself.

What is  "First Emperor of the Qin?"


Pax Sinica 

What is the peace of China?


Confucius' beliefs about how government should rule

What is: they should set an example, be kind, and written laws and punishments were bad


This King called for the nobles twice just to see if they would come, but, when there really was an invasion, the nobles didn't come because they thought it was another false alarm.

King Yoo


What China wanted most from trade on the Silk road, and what they sent out.

What are horses and silk?


The advice given to Qin Shi Huangdi about how to rule, and his response.

What is follow the ideas of Confucius, and he rejected it and followed Legalism?


The purpose of a civil service

What is to oversee business of running a government?


The belief that Heaven called the Zhou to rule China is called:

What is the Mandate of Heaven?


The most important difference between the Zhou and Shang dynasties

What is they worshiped a god called Tian/Heaven?


Two important things that were invented during the Han dynasty.

What are the wheelbarrow and paper?


Some things that the Qin standardized

What are coins, weights, writing, and education?


Public works in China

What are structures built by a government for everyone, including roads and the Great Wall?

Important beliefs of Daoism 

What is: Accept life as it is, live simply, nature controls life, live in harmony, you need the good AND the bad?


The two responsibilities of peasants during the Zhou Dynasty.

What is serving in a nobles' army and farming/supplying food?


What Liu Bang changed his name to, and what it means.

What is Han Gaozu, and what is "high ancestor"?


The length of the Qin Dynasty; either 2000, 12, 535, or 126

What is 12 years?


Filal Piety

What is children treating their parents with honor and respect, also called Xiao?

A sacred bi, and where they took it

What is a symbol of the bond between Chinese gods and the leaders to carry out Heaven's commandment. They took it to their afterlife.


The three reasons why the power of the Zhou leaders weakened.

What are: The capital city had to move, nobles increased in power, and they made their land given by the king independent and called themselves king?



What Wu Di's name means, and why it meant that.

What is war-like emperor , and he wanted to conquer new lands and had a huge army.

Some characteristics of the Great Wall of China.

What is it was 30 feet high, it had 40 for towers, more than 1,500 miles were built during the Qin, and it took  7 years?


What Wu Di did to not make the nomadic tribes attack.

What is he paid them?