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Key Terms

Forming and implementing public policy is called?


What is Public Administration?


Work groups to complete tasks typically reserved to public organizations. These work groups have the skills to perform specific tasks for a certain period of time.

What is Adhocracy



A group of people that have been authorized by law to act as a single entity?



What is a Corporation?


What term describes the cost advantages that enterprises obtain due to size, output, or scale of operation, with cost per unit of output generally decreasing with increasing scale as fixed costs are spread out over more units of output.

What is Economies of Scales?


What Theory states that employees are motivated by economic factors, threats and punishment


What is Theory X


This model of the federalist system is characterized by close fiscal relationships among the national, state, and local governments.

What is Picket Fence Model?


Sanitation, training, and maintenance are typical targets for?

What is Privatization?


In the legislative Branch in the US it is composed of 435 Representatives and how many Senators?

What is 100?


The theory of Hierarchy of needs was developed by whom?

Who is Maslow?


The US system created several layers of government. A number of models are used to explain how the  system works; among them are the layer cake, the marble cake, and the picket fence models.

What is Federalist System?


As stated in the video which organization in adhocracy  benefits the most?

What is non profit organizations?


The legislative branch of government in the US was put in what article number of the constitution?

What is Article 1.


In Chapter 4,  the video talked about how many steps there are in the decision making process? 

What is 6?


The  model envisions separate and distinct areas of authority between the national, state, and local governments.


What is Layer Cake Model?


Federal grants that funds must be used for very specific purposes, with clearly defined rules and regulations dictate how the money may be spent.

What is Categorical Grants?


The framers of the United States Constitution based our federal government on a division of power between the federal government and the individual state governments. This term is called?

What is Federalism?


According to the video in Chapter 5, Public Administration freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation is called?

What is Discretion?


This model assumes that there are few hard-and-fast lines of distinction as to what constitutes national, state, or local responsibilities.  Governmental responsibilities are, at times, swirled or mixed.



Who is Marble Cake Model?


In a fiscal federal form of government, this is a large sum of money granted by the national government to a regional government with only general provisions as to the way it is to be spent.

What is Block Grant?


Cost savings, Service Standardization, Improved responsiveness, Decreased Property Tax Burden all all outcomes from?

What is Shared Service?