Stages of Volcanic Activity
Types of Eruptions
Inside a Volcano
Types of Volcanoes
This is the hole left when a volcano collapses. A lake can form, filling the hole.
What is a caldera?
This term describes a volcano that is sleeping, but that scientists expect to awaken in the future.
What is dormant?
This type of eruption happens if a volcano's magma is low in silica.
What is a quiet eruption?
This is the pocket beneath a volcano where magma collects.
What is a magma chamber?
This type of volcano is a wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava and formed by quiet eruptions.
What is a shield volcano?
This forms when magma hardens in a volcano's pipe and the surrounding rock later wears away.
What is a volcanic neck?
An extinct volcano is a volcano that is unlikely to do this ever again.
What is to erupt?
This material is found in magma and forms from the elements of oxygen and silicon.
What is silica?
Some volcanoes have these at the top, but others have them on the sides also.
What are vents?
This type of volcano is a steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of volcanic ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano's opening.
What is a cinder cone volcano?
Dikes and sills are created when this forces its way through cracks in the upper crust.
What is magma?
This type of volcano is erupting or has shown signs that it may erupt in the near future.
What is active?
This type of eruption produces pyroclastic flow.
What is an explosive eruption?
A volcano's pipe connects the magma chamber to this.
What is Earth's surface?
In a composite, or stratovolcano, the layers of lava alternate with layers of this.
What is ash?
This landform is a mass of rock formed when a large body of magma cools inside the crust.
What is a batholith?
These may give warning shortly before a volcano erupts.
What are changes in activity in and around a volcano?
When a volcano erupts, the force of these pushes magma from the magma chamber through the pipe until it flows or explodes out of the vent.
What are expanding gases?
A crater is a bowl-shaped area that may form at the top of a volcano around this. (2 words!)
What is the central vent?
Mount Saint Helens, which erupts explosively, is this type of volcano.
What is a composite volcano?
When lava flows out of several long cracks in an area and floods the area, eventually this can form.
What is a lava plateau?
This volcano has not erupted in at least 15,000 years, but could still be considered an active volcano.
What is Mount Jefferson?
These type of eruptions formed the Hawaiian Islands.
What are quiet eruptions?
A volcanic neck forms when magma hardens in this and the surrounding rock later wears away.
What is a pipe?
In a cinder cone volcano, ash, cinders, and bombs can build up around this.
What is the vent?