Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
This is the value of EAX when the following sequence of instructions has executed::::: push 5***** push 10***** push 20***** pop eax
What is : 20
This is the value of ECX when the following sequence of instructions has executed::::: push 5**** push 10**** pop ebx**** pop eax**** pop ecx
What is : Cannot be determined
This code causes a 500 millisecond delay, using a library procedure.
What is : MOV EAX, 500 ***** call Delay
The two registers containing: 1. an integer before calling WriteDec and 2. the starting address of data when calling DumpMem
What is : 1. EAX, 2. ESI
This code displays the following array in hexadecimal, using the DumpMem procedure from the link library:::::array DWORD 10h,20h,30h,40h
MOV ESI, OFFSET array**** MOV ECX, LENGHTOF array**** MOV EBX, TYPE array**** call dumpMem
This is the value of EAX when the following sequence of instructions has executed::::: push 5***** push 10***** pop ebx***** pop eax
What is : 5
This statement moves a video color constant to EAX. The constant should represent black text on a white background, (using the constants in the file)
What is : MOV EAX, black + ( white * 16)
This code writes a sequence of statements that read a signed integer from standard input and write the same integer to standard output. Use library procedures.
What is : call ReadInt*****call WriteInt
This code will display the following string to standard output::::: str1 BYTE "Display this string",0
What is : MOV EDX, OFFSET str1****call WriteString
This code uses library procedures to generate a single unsigned pseudorandom integer between 0 and 999 and write it to standard output:
What is : ****MOV EAX, 1000*****call RandomRange ***** calWriteDec
This codes a PROC declaration for a procedure named MySub. It uses the USES operator to preserve the EAX and EBX registers.
What is : mySub PROC USES EAX EBX
This instruction ( a function call ) writes the contents of EAX to standard output as a signed decimal integer?
What is : call writeInt
T/F The PUSH instruction increments the stack pointer (by 2 or 4) and copies the operand into the stack at the location pointed to by the stack pointer.
What is : FALSE
T/F This code sequences assigns the value 10h to EBX:::: mov edx,20h**** push edx**** mov ecx,10h**** push ecx**** pop ebx**** pop edx
What is : TRUE
This file acts as a bridge between Irvine32.lib and kernel32.dll
What is : kernel32.lib
This procedure locates the cursor at a specific row and column on the screen
What is : Gotoxy
T/F The assembler knows the exact address of a library procedure
What is : FALSE
This library procedure writes an unsigned 32-bit integer to standard output in hexadecimal format
What is : WriteHex
This instruction pushes the 32 bit FLAGS registers on the stack
What is : PUSHFD
This instruction pops the stack into the FLAGS register
What is : POPFD
Write a procedure named ShowBinary that displays the following array as a sequence of binary bits, starting with the low-order value (00000010h). Include the use of the LENGTHOF, OFFSET, and TYPE operators, and call the WriteBin procedure::::: array DWORD 10h,20h,30h,40h
ShowBinary PROC**** MOV ECX, LENGHTOF array**** MOV ESI, OFFSET array**** L1: MOV EAX, [esi]**** call WriteBin**** ADD ESI, TYPE array**** Loop L1**** RET**** ShowBinary ENDP
Is it illegal to catch mice?
In Ohio it is, if done without a hunting license!
Write a procedure named Read10 that reads exactly ten characters from standard input into an array of BYTE named myString. Use the LOOP instruction with indirect addressing, and call the ReadChar procedure from the book's link library. (ReadChar returns its value in AL.)
Read10 PROC**** MOV ECX, LENGHTOF myString**** MOV ESI, OFFSET myString**** L1: call ReadChar**** MOV [esi], AL**** INC ESI**** Loop L1**** RET Read10 ENDP
This sentence contains every letter of the English Alphabet.
What is : "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."
What is "entrance" and "driveway" in Swedish?
What is : "Infart" and "Utfart."