The study of the functions and activities preformed by the body’s structure
Technical term for fat
Adipose tissue
This forms physical foundation of the body and is composed of 206 bones and are connected by joints
Skeletal system
Inner and large bone in the forearm, attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger
This muscle is the ring muscle of the eye socket. It enables you to close your eyes
Orbicularis oculi muscle
——— are the basic units of all living things
These are structures composed of specialized tissues designed to preform specific functions in plants and animals
Furthest back part of the skull, it’s below the parietal ridge, forms the back of the skull above the nape
Occipital bone
Smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb
This muscle is located beneath the frontals and orbicularis oculi muscle that draws the eyebrow down and wrinkles the forehead vertically
Corrugator muscle
———is the dense, active structure found in the center of the cell
This carries messages to and from the brain and controls bodily functions
Nerve tissue
Bone that forms the sides and top of the cranium
Parietal ridge
Heavy, long bone the forms the leg above the knee
This muscle covers the back of the neck and the upper middle region of the back. It rotates and controls swinging movements of the arm
What is the watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus of the cell and it’s needed for growth, reproduction and self repair
This contracts and moves various parts of the body
Muscle tissue
People often complain of ——- pain, however, the pain is usually caused by inflammation of the tissue surrounding the ———
Middle part of the muscle
These draw the fingers together
What is the name of the process of cell reproduction that occurs when the cells divide into two identical cells called daughter cells
This protective covering on the body surface, such as skin,
Epithelial tissue
This bone joins all of the bones in the cranium together
Sphenoid bone
The ankle joint is composed of how many bones?
Muscles that draw a body part away from the midline of the body. Example separation of fingers