What does the word "decalogue" literally mean?
What is ten words?
p 154
Which commandments entail human relationships?
What is the Last 7?
p 157
What set Christianity apart from the traditional cultures of the ancient world?
What is A profound respect for life?
p 159
Individuals and nations have a right to what?
What is Self-defense?
p 163
Which commandments deal with sexual sins?
What is sixth and ninth commandments?
p 164
What are the 10 Commandments a summary of?
What is Natural Law?
Which commandment states "Honor your father and your mother?"
What is the Fourth Commandment?
p 157
What is the most grievous offense against human life today?
What is abortion?
p 161
Who developed the principals of the just war theory?
Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?
p 163
Sexual sins are disordered by what?
What is original sin?
Which commandments are concerned with human being's relationship to God?
What is the First 3?
p 155
Who is the model for respect for parents?
Who is Christ?
Which commandment does euthanasia oppose?
What is the 5th Commandment?
p 161
Who won the 8th grade girls basketball game between JMS and OSS?
Who is JMS?
Integrating chastity allows a person to become truly what?
What is Human?
What were the three forms of Israel's worship?
What is Communal, Sacrificial, Liturgical?
p 156
The family fails to correspond to what when there is discord or disobedience in the home?
What is Divine Model?
p 157
What is Christian morality characterized by?
What is a preferential option for life?
In what century did St. Thomas Aquinas develop the principals of the just-war theory?
What is the 13th?
Who won the 8th grade volleyball game between JMS and OSS?
Who is JMS?
By which nature did God create men and women?
What is Social nature?
p 156
Which authority is analogous to parental authority?
What is Civil authority?
p 158
When does the sacredness of life begin and end?
What is conception through natural death?
How many criteria must be met before it is legitimate to consider going to war?
What is 4?
A society will be as healthy as much as what?
What is Its families?