Listening Comprehension Practice Questions
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Dictation Questions

What is the purpose of the announcement?

A: To suggest that students arrive early for the Halloween parade
B: To warn students about the dangers of Halloween costumes
C: To tell students that they cannot bring props to school
D: To encourage students to wear Halloween costumes

What is "D: To encourage students to wear Halloween costumes"?


What is the Korean word for "Litter"?

What is "어질러 놓다"?


Please choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

It might sound __________ to you, but it tastes great.
A: pass
B: Stick to
C: Stick by
D: Weird

What is "D: Weird"? 


What is the Korean word for "Fairy Tale"?

What is "A story for children about magic and imaginary beings and lands"?


Please choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

Matthew, you ______________. What's wrong? 

A: Putting on some weight
B: Look kind of down
C: Stressing me out

What is "B: Look kind of down"?


What is probably true about the class?

A: The teacher does not like to grade tests.
B: Students take a vocabulary test every day.
C: The teacher does not usually have red pens.
D: Students grade each other’s vocabulary tests.

What is "D: Students grade each other’s vocabulary tests"?


What is the Korean word for "MIND"? 

What is "꺼리다"? 


Please choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

I've ALWAYS been ________ at soccer. I'm just not a very good athlete.
A: Terrible
B: Weigh
C: Consider
D: Pick

What is "A: Terrible"?


Please define "Complete". 

What is "To finish something"?


Please choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

Well, why don't you try some of my risotto and see what you think? Maybe if you like it you could ______________.  

A: Ask her to try making it
B: Mind trying something new
C: Stick to things

What is "A: Ask her to try making it"? 


What is the purpose of the announcement?

A: To ask students to clean up their classrooms today
B: To warn students about littering on the school grounds
C: To inform students that the vending machines are broken
D: To tell students that vending machine snacks are not healthy

What is "B: To warn students about littering on the school grounds"?


Please define "Stop by".

What is "To visit someone or go somewhere briefly (잠깐)"?


Please choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

If you need help in math, science, or English, please _________ the library and get help from a tutor.
A: Stick to
B: Pass
C: Stop by
D: Weird

What is "C: Stop by"?


Please define "Take Place".

What is "To happen"?


Please choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

Matthew, you ______________. What's wrong? 

A: Putting on some weight
B: Look kind of down
C: Stressing me out

What is "B: Look kind of down"?


What is the purpose of the announcement?

A: To ask for volunteers to tutor students after school
B: To explain how students can earn some extra money
C: To informs students about a new tutoring program after school
D: To tells students classes end early on Tuesdays and Thursdays

What is "C: To informs students about a new tutoring program after school"?


Please define "Hold".

What is "To organize or conduct an event"?


Please choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

The final version had thirty-three volumes and ________ eighty-four kilograms!
A: Weigh
B: Terrible
C: Pick
D: Consider

What is "A: Weigh"?


Please define "Attend".

What is "To (regularly) go to a place"?


Please choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

I met him on a camping trip with the scouts, and now we're going to _________. 

A: Sign up to be
B: Camping trip with the scouts
C: Keep in touch

What is "C: Keep in touch"?


What does the boy think is “weird” about risotto?

A: It’s from Italy.
B: It has cheese in it.
C: It’s very easy to make.
D: It has no vegetables in it.

What is "B: It has cheese in it"?


Please define "Stick to".

What is "To continue doing something without changing it"?


Please choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Ghandi __________ himself an average student, but after high school, he tookthe opportunity to travel to London and study law.
A: Pick
B: Consider
C: Weigh
D: Terrible

What is "B: Consider"?


Please define "background".

What is "The history or circumstances of a person, place or thing"?


Please choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

As always, please _________ the person to your left and let's mark them now.

A: Pass your test to
B: Come pick one up
C: Start with

What is "A: Pass your test to"?