when you tell your sins to the priest.
What is confess?
This person was a tax collector who repented of his sins.
Who is Zachhaeus?
inner sense of what is right and wrong
What is your conscience?
Someone who is sorry for having sinned.
Who is a penitent?
Zacchaeus given half of his possessions to the poor and repaying those he extorted is equivalent to what part of Confession.
What is Penance?
A choice between something that is wrong and something that is right
What is a Moral Choice?
The prayers or actions the priest asks you to do in Confession.
What is Penance?
What is Satisfaction?
This is renewed in the Sacrament of Confession.
What is your friendship with Jesus?
God's holy promise to be with his people always
What is a covenant?
What is the Act of Contrition?
What is the Book of Luke?
The loving kindness that God shows us
What is mercy?
This is when your sins are "wiped away"
What is Absolution?
In addition to collecting taxes, they would take more than what is required and keep it for themselves.
Free's us from Original Sin and any other sins we have done
What is Baptism?