Define Educational Politics
What is how people use power, influence, and authority to affect instructional practices within a school or school system
Highest educational agency in state
State Board of Education
What is determined by the value of property in the school district
Define full-funding programs
What is where the state sets the same per-pupil spending level for all schools and districts
Define charter
What is the learning outcomes that students will master before they continue their studies
Define Superintendent
What is the key figure in determining a district’s educational policy
Number of states that require minimum scores on state assesments
What is 13
What is sales and income taxes
A common approach to achieving equal funding
Independent, innovative, outcome-based public schools that provide diverse educational programs from which parents and students may choose
Charter Schools
The National School Boards Association found that “effective” school boards have how many characteristics that help efficiency?
What is 8
The top of the hierarchical structure in school systems
What is State Legislature, Govenor and State Courts
Where the greatest percent of recourses needed to operate public schools comes from
What is the state at 46.2%
First state to pass the nation's first charter school legislation
Large city schools experimenting with innovative approaches
What is New York City, Washington, D.C, Memphis, and New Orleans
The responsibility of certifying teachers belongs to who
What is the State Department of Education
The ECIA significantly reduced federal aid to education, however, thus making state aid to education even more critical. What does ECIA stand for?
Education Consolidation and Improvement Act
Opponents view for school choice
What is negative outcome of students being sorted by race, income and religion
The states with the greatest number of schools managed by for-profit companies
What is Michigan, Florida, Ohio and Arizona
Another name for Restructuring
What is (any of these names) shared governance, administrative decentralization, teacher empowerment, professionalization, bottom-up policymaking, school-based planning, school-based management, distributed leadership, and shared decision making
Today, about half of the states have some form of this
What is intermediate or regional unit (Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA))
The most significant entitlement, Act of 1965
What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The first person to suggest Voucher Systems
Milton Friedman
What approach to for-profit school was suggested by Richard K. Vedder (2003)