This is a weather pattern that brings a season of heavy winds and rain
What are the two religions that began in ancient India?
Hinduism and Buddhism
What is the name of the Holy River found in eastern India that holds significant importance in Hinduism?
The Ganges River
What was the name of the first great Empire in ancient India that formed in 320 BC?
The Maurya Empire
What is the name of the social hierarchy structure in India that divides people by their jobs and cannot be moved out of?
The Caste System
This is the religious belief in Hinduism and Buddhism that your actions have consequences.
What are the four holy books of Hinduism called?
The Four Vedas
The Indus River
What was the name of the second great Empire in ancient India that formed in 320 AD?
The Gupta Empire
What is the name of the ancient Indian language?
This is the Hindu and Buddhist belief that all living things have a soul and a reborn into another life after death.
What are the names of the 3 main Hindu gods?
Brahma, the Creator
Vishnu, the Preserver
Shiva, the Destroyer
What is the name of the mountain range that borders northern India and what is the name of it's tallest mountain?
The Himalaya Mountains
Mt. Everest
What is the name of the founder of the Gupta Empire?
Chandra Gupta
What is Buddha's real name?
Siddhartha Gautama
This is the name for the sum of all of Buddha's teachings
What are the Four Noble Truths?
1. All life is suffering
2. Suffering is caused by desire
3. Stop suffering by stop desiring
4. Follow the eightfold path
Why is India referred to as a "Subcontinent" of Asia?
India was originally as island that eventually crashed into southern Asia
What is the name of the founder of the Maurya Empire and what is the name of his grandson that became king after him?
Chandragupta Maurya
Name 2 epic poems/stories from the Hindu religion
Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, etc.
The goal of Hindus and Buddhists is to reach the state of ___________. A state of total enlightenment that breaks the cycle of suffering caused by rebirth/reincarnation.
Name the 8 "right" paths of the Eightfold Path
Right View/Understanding, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Concentration, Mindfulness
What are the names of the body of water (ocean) to the south and west of India?
What is the name of the body of water (bay) to east of India?
Indian Ocean
Bay of Bengal
What was the state religion of the Mauryan Empire?
What was the state religion of the Gupta Empire?
Maurya --> Buddhist
Gupta --> Hindu
What are the names of the 5 main castes in the Indian Caste System?
Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, Dalit (Untouchables)