Key Terms
Instructional Strategies
Learning Process
Key Terms II
Key Terms III
is defined as knowledge, skills, and performance standards students are expected to acquire in particular grade leves.
What is Curriculum?
motivates students to want to learn, guides the student learning process
What is facilitator of learning?
experiences are instructional activiites that demonstrate real-life connections by associating concepts being taught in real life.
What is Authentic Learning?
an interactive multimedia encyclopedia
What is Britannica?
are the abilities to solve problems, engage in critical thinking, and interpret and solve complex issues
What is Higher-order thinking skills.
are skills that must be mastered by a current grade level
What is Mastery Objective Checklists?
Teachers become aware of technology and its potential uses.
What is Familiarization
a type of learning that occurs when students bcome engaged in inquiring, investigating, reflecting, solving problems, and formulating and answering questions
What is secondary learning?
a mental bridge for building an understanding of complicated concepts
What is cognitive scaffold?
_______plan is an outline that specifies the schol districts procedures for purchashing and maintaining equipment and software, and training teachers to use and then integrate it into their classroom curriculum
What is Technology?
State education departments also provide their school districts with documents that describe curriculum standards, and benchmarks for learning
What is Curriculum frameworks or Curriculum guides?
Technology becomes essential for the educational process and teachers are constantly thinking of ways to use technology in thier classroom
What is Integration?
providing a knowledge base on which students can build
What is anchored instruction?
give students of all backgrounds, socioeconomic levels, learning styles, geographic locations, academic levels, and learning abilities access to the same information
What is educational equalizer?
designed to identify individual studetns academic and technology skill levels and then create a starting point for developing instructional strategies
What is skill assessment survey?
training teachers after they have entered the profession of teaching
What is In-Service?
The evolving classroom becomes completely integrated with technology in all subject areas. Technology becomes an invisible tool that seamlessly woven into the teaching and learning process.
What is Revolution?
Create ______ relationships between participatory learning and active teaching
What is relationships?
refers to a method of instruction in which students work collaboratively in groups to achieve standards and related learning objectives.
What is cooperative learning
_____________ chart is an instructional planning tootl, but adds an addital component.
What is KWHL?
defines what a student is expected to know at certain stages of education.
What is Curriculum goal?
Teachers begin to rethink the educatioanl goals of teh classroom with the use of technology
What is Reorientation?
_____________ the power of technology integration
What is Understand?
are student-centered, with the teacher serving as a facilitator and the students as information seekers
What is cooperative classroom activities.
consists of teachers, administrators, and staff who consider, investigage, advices and make recommendations to the principal and technology coordinator about technology-related issues
What is technology committee?