Lumber, Gold, and Growth
Railroads Across the Nation
A Land of Opportunity
Statehood at Last, 1889
Washington Portraits
This is what Washington's towns were at the same time California's population was booming.
What is (still) very small?
These are the four things trains/railroads would bring to the Northwest.
What are settlers, cooking stoves, window glass, and cloth?
This is what an opportunity can provide.
What is a good chance to live a better life?
This is how many states America had before Washington.
What is 41?
After business school, John Nordstrom, with a friend, opened this kind of store in Seattle.
What is a shoe store?
These are four small towns in Washington that grew because of logging and shipping.
What are Olympia, Seattle, Port Townsend, and Tacoma?
This is the first railroad built to the Northwest.
What is the Northern Pacific?
These are five of the opportunities Washington had to offer.
What are there were plenty of jobs, a family could start a new business, people could get good farmland for a low price, the climate was mild, and Washington was a pleasant place to live?
This is the first thing settlers had to do before Washington could become a state.
What is write a state constitution?
These are the valuable skills James J. Hill had that helped him succeed in the railroad business.
What are he was very good at English, geometry, and surveying land?
This is why Walla Walla became the largest town in eastern Washington Territory after gold and silver had been found in the area.
What is miners stopped there to buy supplies?
Railroad workers used these three objects to make a flat path for the tracks.
What are picks, shovels, and plows?
These are the four countries people came from that made up the 2nd largest group of immigrants who came to Washington.
What are Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales?
These are five things people did when they got the news that their territory was a state.
What are they dressed in their best clothes, marched in parades, danced, gave speeches, and hung banners/flags on buildings?
This is who Al and May Hutton helped after moving to Spokane.
Who are orphans, miners, and others in need?
These are the two reasons coal (not Cole) was important during the second half of the 19th century.
What are people needed to burn it in furnaces to heat their homes and steam engines needed it to make them turn?
These are the four ways Chinese workers were treated unfairly (discriminated against).
What are the best gold mining areas were closed to them, good jobs were closed to them, people called them bad names, and they were paid less than other workers doing the same job?
This is the simile used by the Italian boy who described his trip to America.
What is, "We were packed in filthy bunks like herring in a barrel."?
This is what it meant to be a state.
What is it meant that the leaders Washington sent to Congress would now have a vote there, and that the people of Washington could vote for their governor and other officials (instead of the president choosing for them)?
This is what you get when you multiply John Nordstrom's age when he came to America from Sweden by the number of letters in the name of the state where James J. Hill worked on a steamboat and divide that by the number of years the Huttons and their partners dug before finding silver.
What is 36?
This is what men who had to cut the branches off trees would be called in the city where loggers are at work in a photograph on the first page of the lesson.
What are Bellingham Buckers (or Buckers in/of/from Bellingham)?
These are what Japanese Americans were the first to grow in Washington's bays.
What are oysters?
This is what ethnic means.
What is referring to a minority race?
The 128th anniversary of the start of the great Seattle fire is this many days away.
What is 21 days (May 16 - June 6)?
This is the main way we can compare and contrast the Huttons and John Nordstrom (from the information in their Washington Portraits).
What is they both looked for a valuable mineral for at least two years, but the Huttons found silver while John Nordstrom found no gold?