the number on the top of a fraction
What is the numerator?
5/8 rounded to the nearest benchmark (0, 1/2, 1)
What is 1/2?
a prime number
What is 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc?
True of False: 5/11 = 10/22
What is true?
1/6 + 5/12
What is 7/12?
the number on the bottom of the fraction
What is the denominator?
9/10 rounded to the nearest benchmark (0, 1/2, 1)
What is 1?
not a prime number (a composite number)
What is 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, etc?
1/3 = ?/9
What is 3?
What is 2/10 or 1/5?
a whole number that is greater than 1 and has only two factors, 1 and itself
What is a prime number?
1/7, 1/10, and 1/15 rounded to the nearest benchmark
What is 0?
18 written as a product of its prime factors
What is 2x3x3?
2/8 = 4/?
What is 16?
11/18 - 1/6
What is 4/9?
a common multiple of two or more denominators
What is a common denominator?
1 1/2 + 1/7 rounded to the nearest benchmark
What is 1 1/2? (1 1/2 is already rounded to the nearest benchmark, 1/7 rounds to 0, 1 1/2 - 0 = 1 1/2)
30 written as a product of its prime numbers
What is 2x3x5?
a common denominator for 1/6 and 1/9
What is 54?
2/7 + 2/5
What is 24/35?
fractions that name the same amount or part such as 1/4 = 2/8
What are equivalent fractions?
2 9/10 - 1 3/8 rounded to the nearest benchmark
What is 1 1/2? (2 9/10 rounds to 3, 1 3/8 rounds to 1 1/2, 3 - 1 1/2 = 1 1/2)
48 written as a product of its prime numbers
What is 2x2x2x2x3?
equivalent fractions for 3/8 and 3/10
What are 15/40 and 12/40?
3/4 - 3/10
What is 9/20?