Projectile Motion
Circular Motion
Relative Velocity
Blast from the PAST
A projectile's path through space
What is trajectory?
A football is kicked off after half time, what curve best describes the path taken by the football?
What is a parabola?
The direction is which a velocity vector points when there is centripetal acceleration?
What is tangent to the circle?
The name of a coordinate system from which motion is viewed?
What is frame of reference? (or reference frame)
Newton's second law can be expressed as...
What is a = Fnet / M or Fnet =ma?
A force directed toward the center of a circle.
What is centripetal force?
To determine the X component of the initial velocity of the projectile, what formula is used?
What is Vi*cos theta?
The variable that represents the time for an object to make one revolution in centripetal acceleration?
What is T?
Rebecca is pulling a toy wagon through the neighborhood with a speed of 0.75 m/s. A ladybug in the wagon is crawling toward the rear of the wagon at the rate of 0.02 m/s. Calculate the ladybug's velocity relative to the ground?
What is 0.73 m/s?
The name of the force that is string or rope exerts.
What is tension?
An object shot through the air.
What is a projectile?
A ball is thrown horizontally from the top of a building. If the ball's initial velocity is 2 m/s, and it takes 2 seconds to reach the ground, approximately how far from the building is it when it hits the ground?
What is 4 meters? Xf = Xi + Vxi*tf Xf = 0 = (2)*(2) = 4
Calculate the centripetal acceleration of s car moving at 60 miles per hour rounds a bend in the road that has a radius of .5 miles.
What is 7200 m/hr^2? Ac = (60)^2 / 0.5
When calculating relative velocity what mathematical concept is applied?
What is vector addition?
Formula for kinetic friction?
What is Ff,kinetic = coefficient of kinetic friction X normal force?
The movement of an object at a constant speed around a circle with a fixed radius.
What is uniform circular motion?
A bird is flying over a playground and watching two children pass a ball. What path does the ball appear to be taking to the bird?
What is a straight line?
In track and field sports, the hammer throw event involves spinning a 4.0 kg weight at the end of a 1.2 m wire and releasing it at a maximum speed. Calculate the tension on the wire when the weight reaches a speed of 25 m/s
What is 2100 N? Ac = (25)^2 / 1.2 = 520.8 F = 4*520 = 2100 N
Calculate the velocity of the plane relative to the ground if it is flying at 200 km/hr with a 50 km/hr headwind?
What is 150 km/hr?
A term applied to the absolute value of velocity.
What is speed?
Acceleration that always points towards the center of the circle.
What is centripetal acceleration?
In soccer, a record was set for kicking a soccer ball at 43 m/s. If the soccer player kicked the ball from ground level at and angle of 30.0 degrees from the horizontal, what height would the ball reach? Assume that air resistance is negligible.
What is 24 m? Viy = 43sin30 = 21.5 tf = 4.4 seconds Ymax = 23.6 m
On a circular race track with a radius of 3230 meters, a certain car set a speed record of 103 m/s. If the car had a mass of 250 kg, what was the net force acting on it?
What is 820 N? Ac = 103^2 / 3230 = 3.28 F = 250 * 3.28 = 820 N
A fishing boat with a maximum speed of 3 m/s relative to the water is in a river that is flowing at 2 m/s. Calculate the maximum speed the boat can obtain relative to the shore.
What is 5 m/s with the current?
What equation can be used to find the resultant of a right triangle with sides A and B?
What is R^2 = A^2 + B^2 (Pythagorean theorem)