Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Extra Questions
Steal a Point (Final Round)

What is the term of office for president?

A U.S president may serve a 2 terms with each term amounting to four years. Thus a president may serve a total of 8 years in office. 

*However, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt served the longest term of any president in American history at 12 years or three terms. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage before completing his fourth term. 


What are Executive Orders?

Orders from the President describing how the departments of the executive branch will do their jobs. 

In section 3 what does EOP stand for?

The Executive Office of the President

What is the task of the Economic Council of Advisers?

The task of this group is to monitor economic conditions to help the President form a more sound economic policy. 


What type of government is the United States?

Although we carry democratic principles the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic in which we the people elect officials to decide on laws and policies that SHOULD benefit the nation as a whole. 


What are the formal qualifications for running for president?

1. Be a natural born U.S citizen

2. Lived in the United States for at least 14 years

3. At least 35 years old. 

- Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president at 42 years when elected office. 


What is Executive Privelege?

The power that allows the president to refuse disclosing information to Congress or court. 

What are the duties of the Executive Office of the President?

The EOP consists of a number of offices that help the president formulate policy. 

What is an INFORMAL check on the President's power?

Media coverage which is far faster than that of decades ago. 


What was the early founding document that preceded the U.S Constitution?

The Articles of Confederation


As listed from the lecture and your textbook, describe the official roles of the president. 

1. Chief Executive- enforces laws and federal programs. 

2. Commander in Chief - Head of U.S Armed forces. 

3. Foreign Policy leader - creating policies for dealing with foreign governments. 

4. Chief Agenda Setter - 


Describe the presidential power of diplomatic recognition. 

The President has the capability to recognize the legitimacy of a foreign government. 


According to the lecture how many people are usually employed as staff for the White House?


*According to your book President Obama had around 470 staff members while President Nixon had as many as 600 staff members. 


Prior to President Barack Obama, what were some of the characteristics of past U.S presidents. 

White men from middle or upperclass families with an educational background. Usually of a Christian denomination. 

*Religious beliefs and skin color not factors in election. 


Please list down all the Amendments in your bill of rights. Correct order is not necessary. 

1st: Free Speech

2nd: Right to Bear arms

3rd: No quartering of soldiers

4th: Protection from illegal search and seizure

5th: Protection from Self incrimination

6th: right to speedy trial

7th: Right to a jury of your peers

8th: Protection from cruel and unusual punishments.

9th: Rights not specifically written in the constitution retained by the people

10th: Rights not specifically written in the constitution retained by the state


How much does the President and Vice President make in a year according to our textbook?

President $400,000

Vice President $275,000


What are the military powers of the President?

1. Deploy troops to combat for not more than 60 days without Congressional approval. 

2. Must notify Congress within 48 hours. 


What are the duties of the Chief of Staff?

Managing day to day operations of the White House to helping the President map political strategy. 

*The Chief of Staff may also control all access to the President.


As listed in your textbook describe the unofficial roles of the President. 

Chief of State- The President is the symbol of the United States

Party Leader- The president serves as the leader of the political party they adhere to. 

Chief Citizen- The President and Vice President are supposed to serve as model citizens and are held to a high regard in terms of dignity and behavior by the American public. 


In your team's own words what is the electoral college and popular vote?

The electoral college is the group that votes for the President during elections and the popular vote is a vote for the president by qualified voters. 


If the President were to vacate office for any reason what is the "backup plan" for their replacement? 

The Line of Succession


Describe the President's power to commute a sentence and granting reprieves. 

1. The President can commute a sentence or reduce it. 

2. The President can postpone a sentence or grant a reprieve. 


Including the Vice President how many executive departments are there? Name at least 2 of these departments. 

16 including the Vice President. 

Department of Energy

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Education

Department of Transportation

Department of Agriculture

Department of Defense


How does the President influence the legislative and judicial branches?

The president can veto or approve laws passed through congress while the they can also grant pardons and appoint federal judges and supreme court justices. 

Membership through the House of Representatives and the Senate done through an election but what determines the numbers of members for each? How many members are there in the House of Reps and the Senate. 

House of Reps: Members are based on population (435 members

Senate based on equal representation for each of the 50 states (100)