“Do you have any plans to take time off soon?”
“I am fully committed to this role and meeting the company’s needs. Can you tell me more about the expectations for this position?”
A company needs to hire a software engineer. What is the best way to assess technical skills?
A job simulation or coding test—high content validity.
This selection tool has the highest predictive validity for job performance across all occupations.
What is a cognitive ability test?
“What’s your zodiac sign?”
Low content validity—irrelevant to job performance.
“Where are you from originally?”
“I’ve had the opportunity to live in a few places, but I’d love to focus on how my skills and experience align with this role. Could you tell me more about the company culture?”
You’re hiring a manager and want to assess leadership ability. What is a stronger predictor—past experience or an assessment center?
Assessment center—higher predictive validity.
This type of interview is the most reliable predictor of job success because it uses standardized questions and scoring criteria.
What is a structured behavioral interview?
“Can you tell me about your greatest strength?”
Low Construct Validity—The question does not clearly measure a specific job-related competency. Candidates may give general, rehearsed answers rather than demonstrate actual skills.
Low Criterion-Related Validity – Responses do not necessarily predict job performance, as self-reported strengths may not translate into real workplace effectiveness.
“We’re looking for someone who will be 100% dedicated. Do you have any side jobs or freelance work?”
“My professional focus is on this role, and I’m committed to contributing fully to the company’s success. Could you tell me more about what success looks like in this position?”
You need a quick, cost-effective screening tool with strong validity. Should you choose cognitive ability tests or social media screening?
Cognitive ability tests—high criterion-related validity.
This selection method requires applicants to complete real job-related tasks, making it highly job-relevant and a strong predictor of performance.
What is a work sample test?
“If you were an animal, what animal would you be?”
No job-related construct—fails content validity.
“Do you have any disabilities that might affect your ability to do the job?”
“I can perform all essential job functions as required. I’d love to learn more about what success looks like in this role.”
Which is a better predictor of performance: structured or unstructured interviews? Why?
Structured interviews—higher reliability and validity due to consistency.
Despite being widely used, this selection method has low predictive validity because it is prone to bias and inconsistencies between evaluators.
What is a reference check?
“Do you plan on having kids in the next five years?”
Illegal question—violates employment laws and lacks validity.
“We have a young team here—do you think you’d fit in?”
“I work well in diverse teams and have successfully collaborated with people of different backgrounds, ages, and experience levels. Could you tell me more about the team dynamics and how collaboration happens here?”
Your company wants to reduce turnover. Which selection tool would best predict job retention?
Work sample tests—by allowing candidates to experience real job tasks, they improve job fit and reduce early turnover.
This type of interview format helps reduce bias by ensuring every candidate is asked the same questions and evaluated with a consistent scoring system.
What is a structured interview?
“Tell me about yourself.”
Unstructured and unfocused—does not assess specific competencies.