Disability Identity and Socialization 1
Disability Identity and Socialization 2
Disability Identity and Socialization 3
Disability Identity and Socialization 4

In Charles H. Cooley's theory, a person defines oneself through the feedback received from society.

What is the Looking Glass Self?


In an extreme form, stigma can cause this--the denial of legal and social personhood.

What is social death?


This refers to social/political activism, which seeks “to alter the self-conceptions and societal conceptions of their participants.”

What is identity politics?


These people, groups, and social institutions teach a person the culture’s way of life and shape how that person sees themselves as fitting into that culture.

What  are agents of socialization?


This is a socially recognized position in society. 

What is a status?


Disability can become this kind of status that dominates how others think about disabled people, interact with them, and confer or deny opportunities to them

What is a master status?


This is the explicit rejection of the label of disability, disability identity, and/or group membership based on disability.

What is dis-identification?


Goffman argued that people use this process to act a certain way to cue others as to their identity and to be acknowledged and respected as they see themselves.

What is impression management?


These are the expected behaviors associated with any given status in society.

What are roles?


Disability activists have created this kind of identity, which frames disability as a social construct, rejects narratives of disability as individual tragedy, unites people with disabilities based on their shared experience as an oppressed minority, and demands access and rights

What is a collective political disability identity?


This was created by Darling and offers a way to theorize disability identity by focusing on four variables.

What is the Typology of Disability Orientations?


These strategies are used to present a particular self to the world, receive acceptable feedback, and enable a positive self-identity.

What are impression management techniques?


Parsons argued that society provides this as a functional path to address this deviance, mandating that sick people recognize their illness and comply with medical treatment to ensure their quick return to duties.

What is the sick role?


This is a social status in which people with disabilities are expected to fight for empowerment and social justice.

What is a disability activist role?


This is the process by which one learns the values, beliefs, and practices of culture, including how one fits into it.

What is socialization?


These are the purposeful public presentation of disability identity and traits.

What is disability display?


Goffman's concept which reduces a person “from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one.” 

What is a stigma?


This is the evaluation of disability as a positive, valuable aspect of one’s identity.

What is disability pride?


His theory lays out three stages through which people develop their role-taking skills—the play stage, the game stage, and the generalized other.

Who is Mead?


This argues that identity is nothing more than a series of enacted performances that exist in relation to some set of cultural expectations regarding particular identities

What is performativity?