Causes of the French Revolution 1
The Reign of Terror
The Beginning of the Revolution
Causes of the French Revolution 2
Causes of the French Revolution 3
The First Estate was made up of this group of people.
What is the clergy.
French invented machine used for executions.
What is the guillotine.
This Estate was made up of the middle class and the peasants.
What is the Third Estate
The palace where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lived
What is Versailles
This is the Estate made up of the nobility.
What is the 2nd Estate.
Absolute monarch in France in 1789.
Who is King Louis XVI.
Leader of the Reign of Terror
Who is Robespierre.
What happened that caused the Revolutionary Government to accuse King Louis XVI of treason?
He and Marie Antoinette tried to flee the country (to the Austrian Netherlands territory of Belgium).
Name three causes of the French Revolution
Economic distress (drought and famine/ high price of bread/taxes), Social Inequity (unequal votes in the Estate General), Enlightenment Ideas, debt from the American Revolution and the French Indian war, Unpopular rule (Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette)
Austrian wife of King Louis XVI
Who is Marie Antoinette
When the Third Estate is locked out of the Estates General, they decide to form this new governmental body
What is the National Assembly
This country invaded France trying to put down the French Revolution.
Who is Austria
France's form of government changed from a 1)___________ to a 2)_______________ with the signing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen in 1791.
What is an absolute monarch and a constitutional monarch
This is the reason that Louis XVI called together the Estates General for the first time in 175 years.
King Louis XVI was desperate for money. He needed to increase the taxes and the nobles refused to pay.
A group of women (fish ladies) form to protest the price of bread and take action.
What is the March on Versailles
A symbolic event where members of the Third Estate raided an old prison looking for gunpowder after they heard the king was gathering a military to surround them.
What is the Storming of the Bastille.
The event that began the Reign of Terror.
The execution of King Louis XVI
This document guranteed the freedom of speech, the press, and religion.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
What war caused the most debt for Louis XVI?
What is the American Revolution?
When the Third Estate feels their voice is not heard, they decide to meet until they have written a constitution. What is this event called?
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
The government of the Old Regime that the king called together for the first time in 175 years.
What is the Estates General.
He was the advocate of violence in the National Convention. He published a book that accused people of going against the French Revolution called "The Enemy of the People." He was later stabbed to death by Charlotte Corday.
Who is Jean-Paul Marat.
This is the form of government that was formed after the execution of King Louis XVI.
What is a Republic.
This is the name of the people who lived in the city and were members of the Third Estate. They were factory owners, lawyers and doctors.
Who are the "middle class"
This is the nickname of Marie Antoinette
What is the Queen of Debt or the Queen of Deficit?