The place where all the focus shifts to during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The prayer that Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew Chapter 6.
What is the Our Father?
The first step of the Concluding Rite, beginning with "Let us Pray!"
The most regular Sacrament that forgives mortal sin.
The definition of sin.
What is "an immoral act against Divine Law?"
The first step in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
What is the offering?
"This is My Body,... This is My Blood..."
What is the Consecration?
A blessing which can be either formal with multiple steps or rather quick by a priest.
The vow that priests take to ensure privacy and confidentiality in Confession.
What is the Seal of Confession?
A grave sin that breaks our relationship with God.
The shortest of all the Eucharistic Prayers.
What is Eucharistic Prayer II?
An example of the Church following the "11th Commandment" to love thy neighbor.
What is the Sign of Peace?
The phrase by the priest to which the congregation responds, "Thanks be to God."
These are terms signifying which punishment of sin is and is not paid for in Reconciliation.
What is the eternal and temporal punishment?
The 3 conditions for a sin to be mortal.
What is "gravity, the person knows it is wrong, it is done intentionally."
The meaning of "Amen" when receiving Communion.
Revelation Chapters 4 and 5 showing what happens before and after the Lamb takes the scroll.
What are the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy,) and the Lamb of God prayer?
The song "Sent Forth by God's Blessing," is an example of this step in the Concluding Rite.
What is "the Recessional Hymn?"
The purposes (2) of the Act of Contrition.
What is "to atone for sins and to pledge to avoid future sin?"
The definition and conditions of a venial sin
What is "a sin that weakens our relationship with God, something that is not premeditated or grave."
The TWO steps of the Eucharistic Liturgy signifying first Christ's death, then His Resurrection.
What are the Consecration and the Co-Mingling?
"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul should be healed."
The Centurion's Prayer
The 3 reasons the priest kisses the altar.
What are "reflecting the union between Christ and the Church, honoring the Sacrifice of Christ, and honoring the relic of the saint in the altar?"
The place in Scripture where Confession was instituted and forgiveness of sins was granted through the Apostles.
3 examples of common sins in adolescent life.
What are missing Mass on Sundays, taking the Lord's name in vain, gossip.