Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics
Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic Landforms
California Geology
A volcano is a weak spot in the crust where molten material, or magma, comes to the surface.
What is a volcano?
the area covered by lava as it pours out of a vent
What is lava flow?
shield volcanoes, cinder cone volcanoes, and composite volcanoes
What are the three types of volcanoes?
A basin is a broad bowl shaped valley.
Define basin.
a volcano that is no longer active and is unlikely to erupt again
What is extinct?
Lava is magma that has reached the surface.
What is the difference between magma and lava?
There are two and they are quiet eruptions and explosive eruptions.
How many types of volcanic eruptions are there and what are they.
a wide, gently sloping mountain made of layers of lava
What is a shield volcanoes?
It is located in the center in between the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges.
Where is the Central Valley located in California?
liquid magma that reaches the surface
What is lava?
The Ring of Fire is a volcano belt that rims the Pacific Ocean.
What is the Ring of Fire and where is it located?
pyroclastic flow
What type of eruption hurls out a mixture of hot gases, ash, cinders, and bomb?
A lava plateau is a plateau that has lava flowing out of it. It flows out of several long cracks.
What is a lava plateau and where does the lava flow out?
The San Andrea's fault and it last struck in San Francisco.
What is a fault that can split California in half if it is too big? Where was the last earthquake located caused by ------- fault?
a slab of volcanic rock formed when magma forces itself across rock layer
What is dike?
There are two and they are spreading boundaries and colliding boundaries.
How many boundaries are there and name them.
Geologist use dormant and extinct. Dormant meaning it is not active right now but it may be in the future. Extinct meaning it is unlikely for it to erupt again.
What terms do geologist use to describe a volcano's state of activity?
They are volcanic necks, dikes, sills, and batholiths. When magma squeezes between horizontal layers of rock it forms a sill.
What are features formed by magma? Define one.
The Juan de Fuca volcano is being subducted.
In the Pacific Ocean north of California what volcano is being subducted beneath the North American plate?
a tall cone shaped mountain in which layers of lava and ash alternative
What is composite volcano?
The Ring of Fire is a volcano belt that rims the Pacific Ocean.A hot spot is an area where material from deep within the mantle rises and then melts, forming magma. It forms volcanoes when magma erupts through the crust and reaches the surface.
What is the Ring of Fire and where is it located?What is a hot spot and how does it form volcanoes?
Pele is the fire goddess of volcanoes and when she gets mad lava forms thin strands that look like hair. They call this Pele's hair.
What is Pele's hair?
Because of the rich and healthy soil that helps plants grow healthy.
Why would anyone live near an active volcano?
Garlock fault Calaveras fault Coyote Creek fault Elsinore fault Hayward fault
Name at least one fault that branches from the San Andrea's fault.
an explosive volcanic eruption of ash, cinders, bombs, and gases
What is pyroclastic flow?