An increase in white matter affects children's behavior by...
- greater. connectivity between the right and left hemispheres
- gross- motor and fine-motor skills benefits
assimilate new information, accommodate existing knowledge schemas
begin to think more logically
What is the self-system?
represents the multifaceted concept of early development of self
Self-concept is dynamic and changes over time, what is the word to describe this characteristic
concern for others, sharing, forgiving and benevolence
- sense of justice and rights for all
- trust worthyness
self-regulation, hard work and achievement
Differentiate between sensory, working memory and long-term memory
working memory: short term; allows for focused attention, planning, problem-solving, making inferences
- limited capacity
long term: unlimited
Information Processing model
cognitive functioning is like a COMPUTER- not steps
executive functioning: working memory, self-regulation, and cognitive flexibility
Self-As-Subject, active agent, subjective self-awareness, self as knower and distinction from others
emerges first
Describe one's self-concept in early elementary
still has a postive view of self;beginning to evaluate self-based on other's standards
Freud's theory of moral self
based on fear of parents
What is the difference between declarative and nondeclarative information?
declarative: facts/events
nondeclarative:perceptual knowledge, physical skills
What is the difference between Bottom-Up and Top-Down processing?
Bottom-up: bypass working model (formed from senses)
Top-Down: international, deliberated that is governed by executive functioning (cognitive to sensation) (using memory)
self as an object of other's observations; the part that is known socially, spiritual attribution of self
- looking glass self: what do others think of me?
Describe one's self-concept ages 8-10
capable of having opposing characteristics
I'm good at English but bad at math
Piagets theory of moral development
logical thinking
premortal (making own rules), heteronomous (rules must be followed), and autonomous (rules can be changed)
semantic: factual info, rules
episodic: memory of events
scripts: schematic representation of features of recurrent events "I know how this feels"
Social cognition in early years is influenced by...
parent-child relationships/interactions with siblings
Developing/maintaining friendships requires...
perspective taking
Describe one's self-concept in early adolescence
more abstract trait-like concept of self
self esteem declines
academic self/nonacademic self
Kohlberges 2 stages of moral develement
conventional: avoid punishment
others approval/social justice
post-conventional: Principles of justice
What does self-esteem predict?
more postive emotional experiences over time and more relationship/job satisfaction