When are infants ready to lift their head?
-By 2-3 months
What age do children start to turn their eyes and head to sounds?
-4 months
When does stranger anxiety start?
-Starts at 6-7 months
-Peaks at 7-9 months
What are the characteristics of thinking for a preschool/toddler?
-Magical thinking
What is the psychosocial development for the toddler included?
-Develops a sense of self away from the parents
What are the nurses' recommendations with kids' eating habits?
-To look at the whole weeks intake
When should kids have supplemental oral fluoride if not in water already?
-By six months
How should you successfully do a procedure on a preschool age child?
-Teach them during the procedure
-Play with them
When do moro, tonic and rooting reflexes last for?
3-4 months
When do babies have a vocabulary of two and three words?
-9-12 months
When can you give babies solid food?
What are the signs of readiness to wean?
What is egocentrism?
-Views everything in relation to self, is unable to consider another’s POV
What is the appropriate toy for a 15-18-month-old (toddlers)?
-Push pull toys
-Noise making toys
-Dolls and stuffed animals
-Musical toys
-Art supplies
What should nurses teach with dental care?
-Good oral hygiene
-Adequate fluoride intake
-Regular dental check ups
What does praise for good behavior do for the child?
-Build self confidence
-Build their self esteem
What are some nursing considerations on doing a painful procedure on a child?
-Never do it in their room or playroom
-Teach/therapeutic play
-Parents should stay during the procedure
How old are they when they can sit alone?
-6 months
When does a social smile happen?
-3-5 weeks
SIDS (sleep and rest)
-Supine position for the first year
-In parents room but not in their bed
-Use of pacifier
-Firm mattress
-No soft or loose bedding
-Avoid overheating
-Should not be sleeping in car seats
-Avoid exposure to smoke
-Breast feed exclusively for 6 months
What is irreversibility?
Cannot back track or put puzzle pieces together
What is the appropriate toy for a 2-year-old?
-Picture books
-Puzzles with large pieces
-Household toys
What age should the child be brushing their teeth by?
-Age 2-3
What is the first thing you should do if you think your child has swallowed something poisonous
to them?
-Call poison control center if conscious
How would we comfort a toddler during a painful procedure?
-Give them a stuffed animal or a blanket
When do babies start to crawl?
-6-9 months
When does vocalization happen?
-4-6 months
How should kids be positioned in their car seat
-In the middle of the seat
What is centration?
-Tends to focus on only one aspect of an experience and ignoring all alternatives
-Focuses on the dominant characteristics of an object, excluding other characteristics
*May have difficulty putting a puzzle together and focusing on one piece at a time.
*Cannot follow more than 1 direction at a time
What is an appropriate toy for a preschooler?
-Ride on toys
-Drawing materials
When are all 20 deciduous teeth presented?
-By age 3
What are the signs of physical readiness for toilet training?
-Child can remove his or her clothing
-Child is willing to let go of toy when asked
-Child is able to sit, squat, and walk well
-Child has been walking for 1 year
How would we comfort an infant during a painful procedure?
-Give them a pacifier or swaddle them if possible
When do babies start to walk?
-1 year
When do babies start to see?
-4-6 months
What is the lead exposure risk assessment?
-Do you live in housing built before 1950 that has peeling paint or plaster or before 1978 that is
being renovated?
-Do you live near sources of environmental lead such as places that use leaded gasoline?
-Does your child regularly come in contact with a household member who works with lead
(plumber, construction worker, stained glass artisan)?
-Does your child have a sibling or any other household member who has tested positive for lead exposure or has had lead poisoning?
How do toddlers play?
What are food jags?
-When they like something one day and will not eat it the next day
When should children get dental care?
-6 months to age 1 (or when the first tooth comes in)
What are the signs of psychological readiness?
-Child notices if diaper is wet
-Child may indicate needing to be changed by pulling on diaper, squatting or repeating a word or a
-Child communicate need to go to the bathroom or can get there by themselves
-Child wants to please parent by staying dry